Chapter Thirty Three

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As soon as we arrived in Bahrain, Collette and Marck decided to go and look for baby things as i just decided to go stay at the hotel planning to finish scanning through the paperworks for the upcoming business.

I don't know about Pierre since we landed and checked in to our hotel we just went out to our separate ways. I dont want to pry on his life that much so i just let him be.

The pre season testing will start in two days and I don't even know why i came here. I just tagged along with Marck and Collette. Good thing that I'm already a club member here because my family are all club members here since 2004 because of my Mom and Dad. When we turned 18, they all got us memberships too since we sometimes go here for business trips. 

And that is the reason why i can go anytime and anywhere here in any Ritz hotel. As soon as i got bored with reviewing maybe about five documents for the business, i grabbed my phone and saw a bunch of messages from Mick saying that he landed in Bahrain. And  the last one is that he just arrived at the same hotel we are at.

I smiled as i replied if he's already checked in. Good thing he replied that he hasn't yet. So i down to the lobby to greet him.

I saw him on the front desk writing something and i creeped to his side and hooked my arm on his. He jerked and sighed in relief as soon as he saw that its me.

"Dont do that again." He laughs as he hit me with his pen lightly on my arm.

"He doesn't need to check in, he's with me." I smiled at the staff and i gave her my details as she checked. "If he has a booked room, you can cancel it, and charge it to my room."

And she did. I just smiled as i looked at Mick.

"Anne!" My smiled instantly dropped when i heard my brother's voice calling behind us. But i was forced to face him when Mick turned, making me turn too. I just smiled as Jacque went towards us and hugged me.

"Hi." I just said as i hid behind Mick since i don't want to talk to him, im still gutted about this whole business in Monaco thing. "Come on, lets go to our room." I said as i pulled Mick to the elevator and went to my room.

I sighed as we got to the door, finally away from my brother. I just sighed as i went to the bed and slumped on it, Mick following me behind.

"Why are you avoiding him, babe?" He asked as he sat down next to me. I just sighed as i face him, stress flowing through me as i remembered how they hid everything to me until i came to Monaco.

"You know about the Mille-Harman Monaco right?" I said as Mick nodded his head while leaning towards me, tucking stray strands of hair behind my ear. "I thought it was only a branch here but no, they purposely want me to be there because they want to base Mille-Harman Europe there, plus Mille-Harman Monaco."

"You can just quit babe, go with me to Switzerland. Live with me there." He calmly said as i looked at him shock.

"You know i can't quit. I can't just turn my back on family Mick." I sighed as i looked at the ceiling. Please, dont say anything. I dont want to argue with you.

"I know. Im sorry. Its just i dont want you stressing over this. I just want you to be happy." He explained as he leaned on me and kissed me on the lips. I smiled on kiss as I pulled away.

"What about we just go the pool and have a swim." I mumbled as i smiled. "Oh and by the way, Marck wants a head count for dinner late"

"You go, I'll just sleep for a bit." He said as he settled down on the bed before i went to my luggage and grabbed the bikini i packed because first, i missed swimming and two, Bahrain is pretty hot. "Tell Marck I'll come."

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