Chapter Six

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Its been a week since Janelle left to go back to Cleveland, and Marck, Pierre and Esteban went back to France.

And my lovely brother, Jacque, already booked a flight for me without even notifying me days before. He just called me this morning and informed me that my flight is tomorrow.

So here i am now, packing my bag with Charles. Well, more like i pack my luggage and him being him just talked and talked about his frustrations and a bit of his lovelife.

"Can you check the drawers if i left something?" I asked him as he went to the bathroom to pee.

"Do you really have to go?" He shouted from the bathroom.

"Yes, because I haven't seen my brother for two years." I shouted back as i shoved my shoes on the free remaining space in my luggage.

"Carlos is not even here. He just flew to Madrid this morning and will be back tomorrow night." He said as he went back to from the bathroom.

"I already called him when he landed there. Im sorry i just cant bail on my brother." I smiled as zipped up my luggage.

Carlos and I really hit it off when we became friends, its just we have the same vibe. We have a lot of common interests that made me talk to him more.

"Just go to Bahrain with us. I'll get you an all access pass." Charles offered, but i just shook my head, first because of my brothers, second i have doubts of being there, and third i can afford it and  i dont want to use any of them who's involved in F1, with the exception of my brothers.

"Thats great to hear but I don't want to use you for that pass." I said as i stood up and pushed the luggage of of my bed. "And if ever i want to go there, I'll pay with my own money."

I looked at him and he just sighed as he plopped down the bed.

"Just call me if you'll be there okay?" He mumbled as he looked at me, pleading with his eyes.

"I will. But i wont make promises." I smiled as i plopped down next to him. "I don't want to say that I'll be there and end up not going there. You know me, I've kinda moved on."

"Just come back to this world Anne. This is your world too, you belong in this world. You cant just turn your back on it. You can't just move on." Charles said as he turned to face me, supporting his weight on his arm.

"Its not that easy Charles. What i experienced in this kind of world is sad. I was discriminated because I'm a woman." I burst out as i remembered everything.

I stood there heart heavy from what i said, because its true. I was not given the same opportunity as them because im a girl, i have a lot of potential, i won podiums after podiums but still it doesn't matter because everything is dominated by men here. That's another reason why I left, not only because of Mick but also there was no future there for me.

He looked at me as his eyes showed a lot of sadness.

"I know, thats why I am with every girl who wants to be driver, since the day you started i supported you and you did to me too. You should've had the opportunity they have now." He took my hand as he squeezed it tightly. "But if you were still driving i think you're even better than Marck now." He chuckled as i laugh.

"Oh come on, never ever say that in front of Marck. But theres also a reason why i kinda dont want to be in Formula again, I don't want to lose people again, this world is just so heartbreaking." My breath hitched as i remembered all the people who I've lost because of this world that are close to me, close to us. This Formula world is just so horrible.

"Ive lost them too, Anne. Jules, Anthoine, my Papa, and your mum." I looked at him and his eyes are full of sadness, which shattered my heart too. "We've known them all our lives, lost them and yet here we are, alive and well. You're one of the people who saw my potential, thats why I strived to be here now. So please, just don't turn your back on me."

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