Chapter Thirty

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After I took the longest shower i ever had in my life because of all the blue powder, Pierre, Charles, some of their friends from Alpine and I stayed the night at Marck's just to finally get to know each other. Since there's a seven vacant guest rooms, theres plenty of space for each of us.

I want to stay with the Alpine team's crew in the Grand Prix because i still want an explanation from Jacque about his involvement in next year's ventures in our family business. And i dont want to be the center of attention because im there trailing behind Mick because I'm his girlfriend. Speaking of Mick, he never got to reply to me when i told him that we've landed in Deauville.

I felt my phone vibrate and saw its Mick face timing. I looked at the time and saw its already late but i think we're an hour ahead than UK so probably its not that late there.

"Baby." I cheered clearly intoxicated as i answered it. My smile faded when i saw him serious and glaring.

"You're drunk." He immediately said as i just stared at him. "I thought its a gender reveal party? Why are you drunk?"

"It is. Im with my brother, Pierre, Charles and some of their friends in Alpine and their girlfriends and wives." I explained. "Sadly Esteban couldn't make it since..."

"I am not interested in them Anne. Why are you drunk?" He cuts me off as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"We're just having fun. Had some couple of shots to celebrate my nephew and..." I explained but he cut me off once again.

"You could've told me that you'll drink, Anne." He said and i just looked at him, unable to speak because i did told him that I'll celebrate with my brother and he didn't even replied to that. Maybe its really my fault, maybe i should've updated him about what happened after i arrived in Deauville.

"Im sorry. I was just caught up with the celebration that i didn't notice the time." I explained trying my best not to cry in front of all of my new found friends.

"Are you okay?" Jack, Alpine's other reserve whoo is beside me, asked as he looked at me with worry. "Oh, you're talking to someone." He mumbled as he looked at my hand and im on my phone.

"Who's that?" Mick asked as i looked at Jack and gave me a faint smile like asking is everything alright? I just nodded as he smiled and went back to talking with Charles who is on the other side of me.

"Mick, Its just Jack Doohan, he told me you're friends." I smiled faintly because i dont want to argue with him. I dont want to hurt him and I don't want to hurt myself. "Jack!" I called Jack and he immediately leaned on me as he familiarize who's on the other line.

"Oh shit! Mick its you!" Jack exclaimed as he waved. Mick smiled widely as his friend recognized him.

"Hey Jack. Anne, just don't drink too much. Next time, don't drink at all." Mick reminded me as I took a deep breath.

I looked at Jack and he is indeed smiling but his eyes says otherwise, its like he is worried about my feelings. I admit that i felt bad knowing that i disappointed Mick again with my actions.

"Chill bro. She's just getting to know us since she's coming with his brother for Bahrain." Jack smiled as Mick's eyes widened. Fuck, I haven't said anything about that to Mick.

"I thought you'll come with Jacque, Anne." Mick became serious as i bit my lip because I don't want to argue with him.

"I'll just come with Marck and Collette in Bahrain. Maybe next GP I'll go with Jacque." I tried to change the subject to avoid disappointing him more. Mick just sighed and looked at the camera with his eyes mixed with anger and disappointment.

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