Chapter Eighty

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It's Monaco GP week and I am still deciding whether the boys and I will go there since we've been avoiding it for years. Charles is still there in Maranello and will arrive later this evening.

I just finished the backlogs from last week and prepared everything for this week so that I can bring the boys again to the GP if I decide to go.

"Stop pacing back and forth." Janelle reminded me as she passed by my office. "Charles will come back later. By the way, you didn't tell me that one of your babies and Charles modeled for APM Monaco?"

"Oh maybe I forgot, it's Gio. They launched it last year for Father's Day. Why?" I asked and she leaned on the glass door.

"I saw it in an ad while I came back from France last night. By the way, I need to give you something," she said as she disappeared back to her office and came back with a file folder.

I smiled as she went in and handed me the folder with a card on top of it. My eyes widened when I saw what it was written.

Pierre and Janelle

"You're getting married?" I exclaimed as I stood up from my chair and hugged her.

"We will." she shrieked in excitement as we both laughed, "and that folder is the files from the sales from your businesses in France and Italy." She continued but my smile suddenly faded when I felt nauseous when I got a whiff of her perfume. "Anne? Are you okay? You've been sick always since you came back from Baku."

"I am okay it's just that every time I smell perfumes other than Charles's I get nauseous." I sat back down on my chair and took deep breaths to calm myself.

"Anne, I think maybe you're pregnant." My eyes widened when Janelle said that and I gasped when I realized that I missed my period for a month now.

"Let's go to the doctor. I need a check-up." I pulled my bag towards me, stood up from my chair, and grabbed her hands. I called my secretary and told her that I'd be out for the rest of the day. "I'll call you later this evening if I'll be working for the rest of the week."

And there I dragged Janelle to the doctor and I got examined. Blood tests were extracted from me and we waited for an hour for it.

The medical technologist handed me my result and Janelle and I gasped as we saw that I was indeed 3 weeks pregnant. We did an ultrasound and there it was indeed embedded in my uterus, a little blob.

"Congratulations," Janelle whispered as she pulled me in for a hug. "You'll have three kids now." She was clearly excited about it and filled my heart with happiness as the doctor handed me a copy of the ultrasound.


For the rest of the afternoon, I spent in the house with the kids in the playroom. There were toy cars, toy helmets, and even some legos scattered on the floor, but instead of playing with them, we were rewatching the recent Imola race where their dad was driving.

"Maman, est-ce que papa rentre à la maison ?" (Mom, is Dad going home?) Gio asked and I nodded. "Can we go with you to pick Papa up?" I chuckled as I nodded.

"Maman, j'irai aussi. Please?" (Mom, I'll go too.) Julian asked as I smiled and nodded. Oh, I love my bilingual children.

There was a ring on my phone and I took a deep breath as I saw that I put the results below my phone. It was Charles and I immediately answered it.

"I'm boarding the plane now, Bud," He said as he giggled like a child. "I have a surprise for the boys."

"The boys are coming with me to pick you up."  I smiled as I could hear him giggling in excitement. "You seem excited."

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