Chapter Fifty Eight

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As soon as we arrived in Cleveland, my Aunt was already there waiting for me to go to the doctor. I was shocked that she is as excited as my Dad about the baby when Collette is the first one to get pregnant.

"I can't wait for the baby to be a girl since Marck will have a boy." I chuckled as I remembered how excited she is whenever she dresses me up for shows that we went to before. "I want to have a little doll again since you're all grown up now."

"Harman?" The assistant called out and I took a deep breath before finally standing up from the couch in the doctor's office.

I kept my phone in my hand as I walked to the office and saw a very pretty lady that smiled when she saw me.

"You look like your mom." She smiled as she led me to the examination room and that put me in a state of confusion.

As the examination began she told me that she is friends with my Mom and Dad, and even went to some events with them. She made me feel comfortable and at ease.

As she began the ultrasound my phone rang and saw Charles on Facetime.

"The father?" I just smiled as I know Charles is not yet he is acting like one and that made me thankful for it. "You can answer it." She said and I smiled as I answered it.

"Bud, your dad called me and you're at the doctor's. Is everything okay? Sorry, I'm not there to be with you." He said as soon as I answered, his smile radiating from the screen.

"Everything is okay. The heartbeat is steady and the baby looks normal, we'll just have to wait for the results of the tests so we can confirm it." The doctor said as I smiled and I looked at Charles and he is smiling from ear to ear. "Congratulations to both of you."

There are no words to describe how happy I am as I looked at the monitor, the baby was tiny like a lime but he look so cute. His little hands and feet are visible, and his little button nose is too.

"Can I have a copy of the ultrasound, Doctor?" Charles's voice broke my reverie as tears fell down my cheeks. "Looks like she forgets about me the moment she saw the baby."

"That's normal. She's just overwhelmed. I'll give printed copies for Anne to give to you and I'll have my assistant send the digital copy to her too." The doctor said before leaving us as my eyes are glued to the beauty in the monitor. I couldn't help but cry because the baby is the most wonderful thing I've ever seen.

"You want to see it, Bud?" I managed to say as the tears ran down my face.

"I've been waiting for you to say that." He said and I smiled as I showed it to him. "The is so beautiful Bud." And as I turned my phone back to me I saw him tear up too, his eyes immediately brimming with tears as he shuffled to wipe it away.

"I saw it, Bud. You don't need to hide it. Thank you, thank you for everything. For always being there for me even though I didn't know I needed someone. Thank you." I sobbed as this is the first time I ever felt this happy and thankful for everything he did, even the ones that I didn't know he did at first.

"I will always be here for you Anne, and you don't need to ask for it because It's always you." We both teared up as we opened up about this, and I felt the happiest because we don't need to hide it anymore, we love each other and nothing can stop it now.

We kept on talking to each other, him telling me about his day, complaining that it's so hot there in the stadium, that they went for a little tour with and said that he couldn't wait to see me and the printed copy of the ultrasound.

"Anne, there's good news and not-so-good news about your results," the doctor spoke out as soon she came back from getting my results. "But no worry there are medicines that could help you out, just don't forget to take them." she smiled.

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