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    After cleaning up the fragments of the bronze mirror, Liu Mufeng took a closer look at his current "home", three simple adobe houses, one is a kitchen, and the remaining two are living room and bedroom. There is only a broken wooden screen outside the wooden bed, which looks extraordinarily cold.

    After looking inside and out, Liu Mufeng went to the yard to look again. The yard was planted with a first-class spirit grass——sword orchid grass. Gladiolus is the main medicine for refining first-level rejuvenation pills, and it is also the best-selling spirit grass. A mature plant of gladioli can be sold for a piece of spirit stone.

    The growth cycle of gladiolus is half a year. If it is allowed to grow by itself, it will take half a year to mature. However, if a spiritual planter uses the method to ripen it every day, it can mature in a month.

    The villagers in the village are very low in cultivation, and the cultivation of spiritual grass is also at a half-baked level. Therefore, the spiritual grass they plant is very slow to mature, basically it takes two to three months to mature. Only the original owner came from a big family who knew more about planting spirits, and their cultivation was better than them. Therefore, the spiritual grass planted by the original owner is ripe once a month.

    The spiritual grass in the yard was planted five days ago, and it has just grown a section. According to the original owner's memory, Liu Mufeng played the spirit art, and then watered all the spirit grass. Just now I went back to the kitchen and cooked for myself.

    As an orphan, Liu Mufeng is very good at taking care of himself, and his craftsmanship is also top-notch, so he quickly prepared dinner.

    Sitting at the dining table, Liu Mufeng finished his dinner silently by himself, and sat in a chair in a daze.

    Three years, he only has three years! However, he is a five-spirit root and a four-star genius, so he must not be able to beat the hero and heroine. Furthermore, the hero and heroine have the aura of the protagonist, and he can't hurt them casually. What should he do? what to do?

    Searching the memory of the original owner over and over again, looking for a solution. Liu Mufeng was depressed to find that the original owner was a good boy, who started to practice at the age of five. When he was in Liu's house, he did not leave the house, and he practiced hard at home every day, learning the method of planting. It wasn't until he became an adult at the age of thirteen that he was dispatched to Zhangjia Village. Therefore, the original owner knew very little about this continent, and it was simply impossible to use the original owner's memory to find a solution to the problem.

    As a super academic, Liu Mufeng firmly believes in the saying "knowledge can change destiny". Therefore, he felt that he should think of a way to learn more about this continent, find a way to save his life, and let himself live in peace.

    "What should I do?" Frowning, Liu Mufeng thought for a long time according to the memory of the original owner, and finally came up with an idea, that is to go to Shuangyang Town, there is a big bookstore in Shuangyang Town, maybe he can go there have a look. He is a super academic and has a photographic memory. As long as he reads more books, he will know more about this Lingwu Continent. Maybe he can find a solution to his five spiritual roots in the book. Find ways to improve yourself quickly.

    "Yes, arrange things at home tomorrow, prepare some food, and go to Shuangyang Town. You must not sit and wait for the hero and heroine to come and kill you." After making up his mind, Liu Mufeng touched He touched the interspatial ring on his finger, this interspatial ring was a relic left by the original owner's father, it wasn't very large, but it was the original owner's only treasure.

    Opening the space ring, Liu Mufeng checked the property of the original owner. Five pieces of clothes, shoes and socks, and a lot of seeds of first-class spirit grass. There are also some spirit stones. These are the spirit stones that the original owner earned from selling the last batch of spirit grass five days ago. He earned a total of 153 spirit stones from selling spirit grass, and spent three spirit stones on buying food. The original owner practiced every night. Four spirit stones are needed. Twenty spirit stones were used up in five days. Therefore, now Liu Mufeng still has one hundred and thirty spirit stones left, plus thirty-five taels of scattered silver. Both silver and spirit stones are common currency, one hundred taels of silver can buy one spirit stone. Similarly, you can get a hundred taels of silver in exchange for a spirit stone.

    Putting away the clothes and a lot of spirit grass seeds, Liu Mufeng left four spirit stones behind, and put away the other spirit stones as well.

    Holding the spirit stone, he went to the bedside and sat down, and started the first practice according to the memory of the original owner. Absorbing the rich spiritual energy in the spirit stone, Liu Mufeng felt refreshed all over his body, as if a wave of warm current was washing his body over and over again. The aura circulated again and again in the body, and finally flowed into his dantian.

    Raising his hand, Liu Mufeng touched his lower abdomen. I thought to myself: How wonderful it would be to have a single spiritual root!

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