19.The Chicken was eaten

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    Back home, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu were sitting in the room eating, while Xiao Yuan led a group of his men, dancing around the yard, excitedly circling the golden weeds in the yard.

    "This time the goods were received well. Not only did I contract Xiaoyuan, but I also found twelve spiritual herbs. You take these five mature spiritual herbs!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng gave Jiang Xu five mature spiritual herbs.

    "No, you can keep selling the spirit stones!" Shaking his head, Jiang Xu directly refused.

    "No, these five kinds of spirit grass are not the same. These spirit grasses are not used for alchemy, but five kinds of spirit grass with paralyzing effect. You grind these spirit grass into spirit grass juice and apply it on your sword to deal with it. When the monsters are sick, the monsters will become paralyzed for a short period of time, and these spirit herbs are non-toxic. After the effect of the medicine wears off, the meat of the monsters can still be eaten!" Hearing this, Jiang Xu was shocked

    . "Do you make your own paralyzing liquid?"

    "Yes, these five kinds of spiritual herbs have a paralyzing effect. I don't know how the paralyzing liquid is made. However, I think it should be extracted from these five kinds of spiritual herbs Juice. You can try it. Otherwise, I’d better make the juice and give it to you, so don’t accidentally paralyze yourself again!” Thinking of this, Liu Mufeng was happy.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu was also happy. "Mu Feng, you are so powerful, you know a lot!" From waste bugs to paralyzing grasses, Jiang Xu felt that there was nothing that Mu Feng didn't know.

    "It's okay, I just saw it in a book!" Liu Mufeng read more than a thousand books, and it's not for nothing.


    "Clack, cluck..."

    Suddenly, a chicken crowing in the yard interrupted their conversation. Looking at each other, the two people's faces are full of differences.

    "Strange, why is this chicken crowing so desolately today? I haven't killed it yet?" Mu Feng bought ten chickens for himself, nine of them were eaten, and only the last one was left in the yard. I'm keeping it here.

    "Not good!" With a cry of surprise, Liu Mufeng got up and walked out of the room.

    "What's the matter?" Seeing Liu Mufeng leaving in a hurry, Jiang Xu also followed.

    Seeing Liu Mufeng standing beside the chicken coop with a gloomy expression on his face, Jiang Xu also had a gloomy expression when he walked over. I saw swarms of waste bugs lying on the chicken one by one like grapes, gnawing on the chicken frantically. And that poor chicken was already dead.

    "My chicken!" Looking at the chicken that was gnawed down to its feathers and skeleton in the blink of an eye, Jiang Xu held his forehead. Heart said: These guys really can eat!

    "Didn't you plant golden grass in the yard? Why did you eat the chicken?" Liu Mufeng said helplessly, looking at Xiao Yuan who flew back to his shoulder.

    "Master, don't be so stingy, we just made a contract, you just celebrate by eating a chicken for us!"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng rolled his eyes. "Okay, let's not take this as an example. You can eat the food prepared for you in the future. It is not the food prepared for you. If you want to eat, you have to ask my permission first. Do you understand?" "Ah!" Looking at Liu Mufeng depressedly,

    Xiao Yuan felt that its owner was a bit stingy.

    After glancing at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng turned his head and looked apologetically at Jiang Xu beside him. "Tomorrow I will go to the city to buy you some more."

    "No, I'm tired of eating chicken all the time. It would be nice to have some green vegetables!" Alas, the last chicken was gnawed by a group of bugs died.

    "Let's go back to the house!" They had already been eaten, and Liu Mufeng had no choice but to take Jiang Xu back to the room.

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