52.The heroine

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    Two months later,

    sitting on the chair, Jiang Xu gently stroked the bracelet on his wrist, thinking: It has been three months, and it has been thirty months in the space, why hasn't Mu Feng left the customs yet? Ah, could it be that the refining of the beast fire is not going well?

    Staring at the bracelet, Jiang Xu was thinking wildly, when Liu Mufeng appeared in front of him.

    "Mu Feng, you're finally out!" Seeing Liu Mufeng appear, Jiang Xu was ecstatic.

    "Why, are you worried about me?" Liu Mufeng raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party with a smile.

    "Mufeng, you, you have advanced to the four-star level of the spirit realm?" Jiang Xu was surprised and delighted when he discovered Liu Mufeng's strength.

    "Well, the beast fire has been refined, and it has successfully advanced to the spirit realm!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng laughed. He has finally advanced to the Spirit Realm.

    "Great, you're amazing!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu smiled and gave a thumbs up. I thought to myself: Mu Feng is amazing, he can learn everything in one go. Mu Feng had also learned that fire-absorbing technique!

    "I'm not at home, is everything okay at home?" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng asked with a smile.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu frowned. "Not very good. During this time, people from the City Lord's Mansion often come to do population surveys. I suspect they are looking for you. They must be looking for you!" "Oh

    ? When you go to buy elixirs, you should go further afield!" It may be that the recent sales of elixirs made those people suspicious.     "Well, I think so too. We did a big deal before. Excluding the spirit stones thrown into the lake and the spirit stones purchased from the demon core, each of us now has 120,000 spirit stones in our hands! These spirit stones are enough We have been using it for a while, and we will stop selling pills in the short term, so as not to be targeted by others. I found that many big families have come to Black Dragon City recently, and I am afraid it is not a good thing!" Jiang Xu is from a big family , I also know more children from big families. Before, after Wang Sanshao came, Jiang Xu went around the city and immediately realized that something was wrong.

    "That's right, we won't sell pills for a year, so take it easy!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng took out a glass jar and handed it to Jiang Xu.

    "This, this is? Beast fire?" Jiang Xu exclaimed as he watched the undulating bear-shaped flame in the glass jar.

    "Well, this is the beast fire extracted from the fiery bear's demon core. This is my gift to you!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng handed the beast fire to Jiang Xu.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu was stunned. "Give it to me? I'm not an alchemist. It's a waste to refine this kind of beast fire!" "

    How can you say that? If you're not an alchemist, you can't have the beast fire? You can improve your strength by refining the beast fire." , moreover, you will have an additional means of self-protection when you go out to hunt and kill monsters in the future. This is very beneficial to you, and it has nothing to do with whether you are an alchemist or a craftsman!" Looking at himself My lover, Liu Mufeng spoke righteously.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu smiled. "Well, then I accept it!"

    "Well, take the beast fire and go to the space to refine it. I plan to leave Black Dragon City for a while to avoid the limelight!" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng said own plan.

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