18.Contract Xiaoyuan

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    Ten days later...

    Waking up early in the morning, Liu Mufeng cooked a pot of soup with the chicken blood accumulated in the past few days and the mature golden grass in the yard.

    "Mu Feng, what are you doing? It smells so bad!" Jiang Xu asked suspiciously as he looked at the boiled black stuff in the pot.

    "This is the waste worm's favorite. I'll pour the bottle of paralysis liquid into it later. When I get to the jungle, take out this pot, and the waste worm will find it by itself!" Liu Mufeng knows the original spirit worm very well. of. From the evolution history of the five-element spirit insects, to the preferences, living environment, and group life of the original spirit insects. Liu Mufeng found a lot of related books to understand. It can be said well.

    "That group of bugs are really weird, they actually like this kind of thing!" Jiang Xu said helplessly, pinching his nose.

    "I'll just watch here, you go to the yard to get some air, we'll leave when this is done!" Seeing Jiang Xu with a look of disgust, Liu Mufeng told him to leave first.

    "Okay, then I'll wait in the yard!" Nodding, Jiang Xu ran out of the kitchen straight away.

    Looking at Jiang Xu who turned his head and ran away, Liu Mufeng smiled helplessly.

    Standing in the yard, Jiang Xu couldn't help but twitched his lips as he looked at the two stretches of unusually lush golden grass in the east and west. He felt that Mu Feng was very powerful. In just ten days, he had planted golden weeds all over the yard. If Mu Feng had a single spiritual root, then his ability to cultivate spiritual grass would definitely be stronger, and his strength would also be stronger.

    Oh, what a pity! Thinking of this, Jiang Xu sighed again and again.

    "Why are you sighing?" Walking out of the kitchen, Liu Mufeng looked at Jiang Xu with a smile.

    "Ah, no, nothing? Did you fix that smelly thing?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked.

    "Well, it's ready, I've already poured the paralysis potion into it. The small stew pot is in my space ring, we can go!" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng said with a smile.

    "Okay!" After staying in this small courtyard for almost a month, Jiang Xu was very happy to finally be able to go out for activities.

    "Remember, there is only one queen in the group of waste worms, and this queen is the strongest among the group of waste worms, and its body is three times larger than other waste worms. There are probably quail The size of an egg. The group of waste worms is also divided into levels. The high-level group has 1,000 to 2,000 waste worms, and the queen's strength can reach the ninth star of the spiritual world. The medium group has 500 to 800 waste worms. The Queen's strength can reach eight or seven stars in the Mortal Realm. Low-level groups have 300 to 200 waste worms, and the queen's strength is the highest at six stars in the Mortal Realm. Our two goals are the low-level groups The strength is too high and the number is too large, we can't deal with it." Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng explained carefully.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu paused in his steps. He looked at Liu Mufeng suspiciously. "You know the details!"

    "Oh, I often go to bookstores, and in order to contract waste worms, I proudly bought a book and learned about the situation of waste worms." Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng laughed. He had already planned it. It's just that, in his own words, even dealing with low-level groups, it's very difficult to contract a five-star or six-star waste bug queen in the spiritual world!

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