74.Brothers and sisters of Zhang family.

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Looking at Liu Mufeng with an indifferent expression, Wang Jiang twitched the corner of his mouth. "Cousin, do you want to be so heartless?"

Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled. "Brother Ming has settled the score. Do you want the Antidote Herb?"

"Yes!" Wang Jiang nodded and without hesitation took out five thousand spiritual stones and handed them to Liu Mufeng.

After receiving the spirit stone, Liu Mufeng smiled. He took out the jade box directly and gave Wang Jiang a piece of grass that he had just picked.

Looking at the grass in his hand, Wang Jiang's eyes widened in shock. "No, isn't it? This is the antidote?"

"Yes, that's it. Stop talking nonsense and eat it quickly. The poisonous gas attacks the heart, and eating it won't save you!" Looking at Wang Jiang, Liu Mufeng urged.

"Oh, oh!" Nodding, Wang Jiang hurriedly wiped the grass and ate it.

Seeing Wang Jiang buying the antidote, Wang Feng and Wang Kun immediately took out the spirit stones, bought the antidote and ate it.

I saw that after the three Wang brothers ate the antidote, the blood from their wounds slowly turned red. Brother and sister Zhang Yan and Zhang Hui immediately took out the spirit stones and bought the antidote grass with Liu Mufeng.

Looking at the spirit stones the two took out, Liu Mufeng shook his head. "I don't want your spirit stone, I want your nine-petal flower."

Hearing this, Zhang Hui was stunned. I thought: How does this person know about the nine-petal flower? Shouldn't it?

"You, what are you talking nonsense about? We don't have any nine-petal flowers!" Shaking her head, Zhang Yan immediately denied it.

Looking at Zhang Yan's appearance, Liu Mufeng sneered. "The nine-petal flower and the grass grow together. The golden-capped scorpion is the guardian monster of the nine-petaled flower. The three of them are dependent on each other. You picked the nine-petaled flower outside the cave of the golden-capped scorpion and made it The golden-capped scorpions came out to chase you. Therefore, I had the opportunity to obtain Qianqiancao without any effort, which is the detoxifying herb used to remove the poison of golden-capped scorpions."

Hearing this, the three brothers of the Wang family looked strange. . So, when Liu Mufeng was picking grass just now, he knew that there were golden-capped scorpions, nine-petal flowers and intruders here? This is really a clever plan!

After hearing Liu Mufeng's words, the faces of the Zhang brothers and sisters were distorted.

"You have water spirit insects. Are you our cousin Liu Mufeng? We are the cousins ​​of your sixth aunt's family. How can you ignore death?" Zhang Hui said helplessly while looking at Liu Mufeng.

Looking at Zhang Hui, Liu Mufeng smiled. "I dug up all the grass outside the golden-capped scorpion's lair. If you don't trade with me, then you will die of poison!" Cousin, cousin? What a joke, when the original owner was five years old and had no father or mother, where were these cousins? When the original owner was sent to Zhangjiacun, where were these cousins? Isn't it too late to think about getting married now?

Hearing this, Zhang Hui's face turned even more ugly. "Liu Mufeng, don't go too far!"

"Humph, am I going too far or are you going too far? The golden-capped scorpion was killed by my water spirit insect. The nine-petal flower should be mine. Why do you get something for nothing?" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng snorted coldly.

"This..." Upon hearing this, Zhang Hui rolled his eyes in anger.

"Okay, we will give you a nine-petal flower. You give us the qianqiancao!" Zhang Yan said as she looked at Liu Mufeng.

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