31.Jiang Xu retreats.

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    After the two divided their things, under Liu Mufeng's suggestion, the two dug a hole beside the cave, and buried the old man who had died.

    Taking out the fangtooth pork that Jiang Xu hunted, Liu Mufeng set up a fire outside the cave, and made barbecue for Jiang Xu to eat.

    "Xiao Xu, I think it's getting dark, why don't we spend the night in this cave tonight, and go on our way tomorrow, what do you think?" While grilling meat, Liu Mufeng chatted with Jiang Xu beside him. He felt that it was not safe to walk at night, so he could stay here for a night. Anyway, this was the outskirts of the jungle, and there would not be too many monsters.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu thought for a while. "Mu Feng, I want to stay here for a while in retreat!"

    "Retreat?" Raising an eyebrow, Liu Mufeng looked at the other party suspiciously.

    "Yes, let me do the math. I have 150,000 spirit stones in my hand, and I have some good things from Boss Xue and the others. If I retreat to the spirit realm, it should be almost the same!"

    " How sure are you?" Looking at the people around him, Liu Mufeng asked seriously.

    "Eighty percent!" Jiang Xu didn't dare to try to advance because he didn't have enough spirit stones before, worrying that he would fail, but now there is no need to worry.

    "Well, that's good, Xiaoyuan and I will help you protect the law. You can advance here! Otherwise, it's not safe for you to carry so many spirit stones." After thinking about it, Liu Mufeng voted for it, because he remembered the original The book also said that the villain advanced to the spirit realm at the age of thirteen. At this moment, Xiaoxu's retreat time just coincided.

    "Okay, I'm going to retreat in the cave inside, and I'll set up prohibitions on both the inside and outside of the cave, so you don't have to worry about monsters coming!" After thinking about it, Jiang Xu decided to set up several barriers for protection.  

   "Okay, take a good rest tonight, we will start preparations tomorrow. Set up some restrictions and traps outside the cave to ensure safety!" Since we are going to retreat, precautions are essential.

     "En!" Nodding, Jiang Xu agreed.  


    The next day, Jiang Xu and Liu Mufeng got busy inside and out. After setting up the restraints and traps, Jiang Xu went to the cave inside to retreat.

    Looking at Jiang Xu who was meditating on the stone bed, Liu Mufeng slightly raised the corners of his mouth. Liu Mufeng was very happy that his sweetheart was about to advance to the Spiritual Realm, but when he thought about his four-star strength in the Spiritual Realm, Liu Mufeng felt a little aggrieved. It seemed that he had to practice hard!

    Opening the animal bag, Liu Mufeng released Xiaoyuan and his group. "Xiaoyuan, take your men and stay in this cave to protect Xiaoxu's safety. If any monsters come over, you must tell me immediately!" "I know the

    master!" Nodding, Xiaoyuan said learn.

    "Okay!" Another glance at Jiang Xu sitting inside the cave, Liu Mufeng turned around and came to a corner of the cave, took off the bracelet on his wrist, Liu Mufeng directly bit his finger, dripped his blood on the Putting it on the bracelet, contracting this magic weapon.

    Once the contract was completed, Liu Mufeng disappeared directly into the cave.

    Looking at the master who disappeared without a trace, Xiao Yuan blinked, felt it with the master-servant contract, and made sure that his rookie master was not dead, but still alive. It doesn't bother anymore. Boss Jiang is advancing in the cave inside! The master asked him to protect Boss Jiang in this cave outside, and he had to do his duty to protect him. Boss Jiang said that when he advances to the realm of the spirit, he will get them another thorn-toothed pig to improve their food.

    "Buzz buzz..." Xiao Yuan called out to his subordinates a few times. All the original spirit insects flew to the entrance of the cave, lying on the stone wall one by one, and stood guard for Jiang Xu seriously.

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