30.Get the opportunity

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    This cave is actually as crude as the caves outside. The only piece of furniture is a stone bed, on which sits a white skeleton wrapped in clothes. And on the left hand of the corpse, there was a space ring and a golden bracelet.

    "Is this a sitting monk?" Looking at the people around him, Liu Mufeng pretended to be shocked and said.

    "Well, it should be. Judging from his bone age, he should be quite old. But his bone quality is very good. This person must have been very strong in life, and he should be a master of the spiritual master." He picked up a piece of the opponent's leg bone , Jiang Xu looked carefully for a long time and made a judgment.

    "Well, then we are really lucky!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng laughed. I thought: This time, he will hide the things he got tightly, and he will never let the heroine and heroine come to kill people and seize treasures for cheap.

    "Well, there must be something good in his interspatial ring!" Saying so, Jiang Xu put down the leg bone, reached out and took the interspatial ring and the bracelet from the other's left hand.

    He directly opened the opponent's interspatial ring, Jiang Xu took out all the things inside, took the bracelet, Jiang Xu also wanted to open it, but after trying for a long time, he couldn't open it anyway. "Hey, I thought it was a storage bracelet? So it's not!" Glancing at the bracelet depressedly, Jiang Xu threw the bracelet away angrily.

    "If you don't like it, give it to me, I look pretty!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng picked up the bracelet from the ground with a smile. Xin said: This is a priceless treasure!

    "Okay, then I'll give it to you! I don't want it!" After saying that, Jiang Xu had already gone to check the pile of spirit stones and magical artifacts.

    "En!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng put the bracelet on his hand.

    "This senior doesn't have too many things, but there are a lot of spirit stones. How about 120,000 spirit stones? Mufeng and half of us, okay?" Looking at the man beside him, Jiang Xu asked with a smile.

    "No, the 120,000 spirit stones belong to you, and the three third-level magic tools belong to you. I want that alchemy furnace and those five books!" After thinking about it, Liu Mufeng didn't choose the spirit stones and magic tools. Instead, he chose Dan Furnace and Dan Shu.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu froze for a moment, then widened his eyes. "Mufeng, why do you want alchemy furnace and books? You, you don't want to learn alchemy, do you?

    " A piece of spirit stone, I can only sell a piece of spirit stone by planting a stalk of gladiolus, which is far less!" The most profitable profession in the cultivation world is alchemy. In the past, I was a five-spiritual root, so I didn't dare to think about it at all. However, now that I have a single-spiritual root, and I have space in my bracelet to plant spiritual grass, I can consider learning alchemy.

    "But, but, alchemy makes money but also burns money. If there is no master's teaching, it will be very difficult to learn alchemy by yourself." Speaking of this, Jiang Xu frowned.

     "It's okay, you forgot, I'm a spirit planter, I can plant spirit grass to make alchemy by myself, in this case, I only need to buy seeds, but it will save a lot of spirit stones than ordinary alchemists! Besides, now There are ready-made alchemy furnaces and alchemy books, it would be a pity not to learn them!" He will not sell the alchemy stove and alchemy books like the original owner. 

    "Well, that's true, you can grow spiritual grass yourself!" Nodding, Jiang Xu also felt that what the man said made sense.

     "Then it's settled, let's distribute it like this. The spirit stone and magic weapon belong to you, and the alchemy furnace and alchemy book belong to me!" As he said, Liu Mufeng picked up the five alchemy books and hugged them like treasures. in the arms. 

    "Then, let me give you this interspatial ring. This is a third-level interspatial ring, much larger than your interspatial ring." After speaking, Jiang Xu handed the interspatial ring to Liu Mufeng.

     "No, you keep it. I don't have anything to store. You often go out to practice, and you have a bigger space ring. You will have a place to put it when you hunt and kill monsters in the future." Liu Mufeng felt that he had been assigned these. It took a lot of money. Therefore, he naturally didn't want to compete with Xiao Xu for the interspatial ring. 

    "Oh, then I'll give you 20,000 spirit stones! If you want to raise Xiaoyuan and them, you can't do without spirit stones!" After thinking about it, Jiang Xu decisively took away 100,000 spirit stones and left 20,000 spirit stones for him. Liu Mufeng. 

    "Xiao Xu!" Looking at his lover who left him a spirit stone, Liu Mufeng frowned.

    "Don't talk about it, let's make this decision. You found this cave in the first place. I can get 100,000 spirit stones and a third-level magic weapon, which is already very good!" Whether you keep the third-level magic weapon for yourself, Or take it to the auction house for auction, it's a treasure! Originally, Mu Feng found the cave, but he took the big head himself, Jiang Xu felt a little embarrassed.

    "Okay!" Seeing Jiang Xu's insistence, Liu Mufeng nodded in agreement.

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