85.Liu Muyan's guess.

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The fish in Liucheng was quickly grilled. Qiao Xiang took out some of his spiritual herbs and exchanged a batch of pills with Liu Mufeng, and Liu Muyan and the others went back. Their camp went to eat fish together.

On Liu Mufeng's side, Jiang Xu had already eaten three fish and was full. Liu Mufeng himself also ate two fish. After cleaning up, Liu Mufeng walked over and said hello to Liu Muyan, then left directly with Jiang Xu.

Seeing the two of them leaving, Liu Yi sighed with regret. "Second brother, why don't you keep your ninth brother?"

Hearing this, Liu Muyan sneered. "You want to keep Ninth Brother, why don't you speak up yourself?" Liu Muyan is not a fool, so why would he do such boring things and act as spearmen for Liu Yi and others with dual inspirations and three spiritual roots?

"Ah, aren't I not familiar with Ninth Brother? Second brother, don't you have a good relationship with Ninth Brother?" Speaking of this, Liu Yi smiled. Xin said: The second child is just an old fox. He is a single spiritual root, so he doesn’t care about the matter of spiritual root cleansing at all. He doesn’t even care about his own eldest brother.

"It's not much better. I left home and joined the sect when I was six years old. To say the least, the relationship between the eldest brother, the third brother, the fourth sister and the ninth brother is the best. The four of them have always been in the family!" Having said this, Liu Muyan looked at the three people with a smile.

Hearing this, the faces of the three of them all looked very ugly. Yes, they have the closest relationship with Liu Mufeng, but so what? Liu Mufeng didn't want to see them at all.

"Lao Jiu is quite capable, and he actually found a wife who is at the spiritual master level!" Lao Qi said in a sour tone as he looked at everyone.

"That's natural. Ninth Brother is the cousin of Black Dragon City and a third-level alchemist. He has tamed five-element spirit insects and is proficient in the secret method of spiritual root cleansing. With his identity and ability, he naturally wants to find a matching partner. Jiang Xu comes from a big family, has a single spiritual talent, and has learned swords since he was a child. He is a rare talent in cultivation. Such a talent will not disgrace his ninth brother!" At this point, Liu Muyan looked at the Dong family with a pointed look. sisters. Dong Huixin, a bitch, ate from the bowl and looked at the pot. Dong Wanying was not much better. When she saw her ninth brother, her eyes widened and she almost pounced on him.

Sure enough, upon hearing Liu Muyan's words, the Dong sisters all lowered their heads in shame. Compared to Jiang Xu, who was at the spiritual master realm, monks like them at the spiritual mortal realm were simply weak. Even spiritual monks like Liu Shanshan couldn't get an advantage from Jiang Xu, let alone them. It is estimated that they could be crushed to death with one finger.

"It has been less than eight months since this secret realm was opened. I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, Jiang Xu has been promoted to the spiritual master realm. This cultivation qualification is really unbelievable!" Thinking of Jiang Xu, Qiao Xiang also looked envious. .

"Yes, Jiang Xu and Lao Jiu are the same age, they are both nineteen years old, but they are several years younger than us!" Speaking of this, Liu Yi sighed lightly. He was also jealous of Jiang Xu, but he knew that the other party had a single spiritual root, while he had a double spiritual root. If the spiritual root problem was not solved, he would never catch up with a genius like Jiang Xu in his life.

"I heard that the Jiang family kicked Jiang Xu out of the house when Jiang Xu was thirteen years old. I guess they would regret it if they met Jiang Xu who had advanced to the spiritual master realm! "Speaking of this, Qiao Hong sneered. I thought to myself: The Jiang family is as blind as the Liu family. The head of the Jiang family would rather love his grandson Jiang Dong, who has two spiritual roots, than take another look at Jiang Xu, who has only one spiritual root. Just because Jiang Xu is neither a man nor a woman, the head of the Jiang family dislikes this grandson very much. . He even kicked Jiang Xu out of the house for the sake of Jiang Min, a granddaughter of Sanlinggen. It's really funny.

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