62.Shocking Black dragon city.

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    Two months later, when Black Dragon City

    saw friends who had come from afar, Wang Yongshan greeted them personally at the door. "Ji Daoyou, Ji Xian nephew, what wind brought you here!"

    "Haha, Wang Daoyou, it's been a while since I've seen you!" Looking at Wang Yongshan, Ji He, the lord of the Formation City, greeted him with a smile Huh.

    "Greetings to Uncle Wang!" Lowering her head, Ji He's youngest daughter, Ji Furong, saluted Wang Yongshan in a respectful manner.

    "Nephew Ji Xian, you don't need to be too polite. Come, come, please!" With a smile, Wang Yongshan let the father and daughter into the hall. I thought to myself: What is Ji He doing in his Black Dragon City for no reason?

    Hearing that there were distinguished guests coming, the three brothers Wang Zhendong, Wang Zhenxi and Wang Zhennan also rushed back.

    People are drinking tea and chatting in the living room. Ji He exchanged pleasantries with Wang Yongshan. He directly explained his intention. "Fellow Daoist Wang, this time, I have to entrust you with the matter of my Furong Linggen! These are 80 million spiritual stones, so it can be regarded as my favor for nephew Liu Xian!" Ji He took out the A space ring was placed on the table.

    "What? Ji Daoyou, who is this?" Looking at Ji He, Wang Yongshan looked confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

    Seeing Wang Yongshan's bewildered expression, Ji He smiled. "Oh, fellow Daoist Wang, we have been friends for many years. Don't hide it from me. I know that your grandson will not make a move easily. If you think that 80 million spirit stones are not enough, I will You can add more, what do you think?"

    Looking at Ji He's face that everything is easy to discuss, Wang Yongshan was stunned. "Ji Daoyou, I'm not trying to hide any privacy, but I really don't understand what you mean." "

    Ah, this..." Looking at Wang Yongshan's puzzled expression, it didn't seem like a fake, this But Ji He didn't know what to say.

    "Uncle Wang, we are here to find Liu Mufeng to wash his spiritual roots. 80 million is not enough, we can add more spiritual stones. Please let Liu Mufeng come out, we will talk to him face to face!" Looking at Wang Yongshan, Ji Furong said anxiously.

    "Liu Mufeng???" Hearing this name, Wang Yongshan couldn't help but frowned, his face a little gloomy.

    "That's right, isn't Liu Mufeng your grandson? My father and I came here this time to ask Fellow Daoist Liu Mufeng to help me wash my spiritual roots." Nodding, Ji Furong answered seriously.

    "What? Liu Mufeng will wash people's spiritual roots? How is this possible, he is still a five-spiritual root?" Shaking his head, the boss of the Wang family said it was impossible.

    "That's right, I've met that kid Mu Feng, and he's still a five-spiritual root? How could he help others wash their spiritual roots, Ji Xiaoyou, did you make a mistake?" Looking at Ji Furong, the second son of the Wang family did the same. explain.

    "Impossible, someone has already succeeded, I will not make a mistake!" Looking at the two of them, Ji Furong said very seriously.

    "This, this..." The two brothers of the Wang family were astonished when they heard this.

    "Master Ji, Miss Ji. I would like to ask, how did you know that Liu Mufeng can cleanse people's spiritual roots. Could you please tell us the ins and outs of this matter in detail?" Looking at the father and daughter People, the youngest Wang Zhennan said so.

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