33.Triple time.

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    After planting the spiritual grass seeds, Liu Mufeng read alchemy books during the day, watered the spiritual grass, and drank the spiritual water to practice at night. The sunlight in the bracelet space is not very strong, but, like the outside, day and night are distinct. Day and night are still distinguishable.

    Liu Mufeng stayed in the space for a month before receiving Xiaoyuan's call. He walked out of the space with two buckets of spiritual water.

    "Master, it's been ten days, and I've eaten up all the golden grass you gave me!" Flying in front of Liu Mufeng, Xiao Yuan said aggrievedly.

    "Are you sure it's ten days?" Looking at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng asked uncertainly.

    "Yeah, isn't it ten days when the sun appears ten times?" Looking at the master, Xiao Yuan said seriously.

    "Yes!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng put down the two buckets of spiritual water, took back the two empty logs beside him, and then took out a lot of thorn-toothed pig meat and put them into the previous basket, filling a full bucket. The back basket contains almost sixty catties of meat.

    "This is twenty days' worth, save some!" Looking at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng said so.

    "Ah, master, are you too stingy? How can you eat such a little meat for twenty days?"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng snorted coldly. "Don't fool me, your Yuanyuan spirit worms have the physique to eat for three days without being hungry. If I didn't let you eat for a month, you should be grateful." "Master!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Xiaoyuan thought to  himself : The master really knows a lot!

    "Nothing happened in the past few days, right? Are there monsters approaching?" Staring at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng asked.

    "No, no monsters were found!" Shaking his head, Xiao Yuan said no.

    "En!" Nodding his head, Liu Mufeng glanced at the cave next door worriedly, and saw that Xiao Xu was still sitting in the cave practicing. Liu Mufeng nodded and left directly, returning to the bracelet space.

    It is said in the original book that throwing spirit stones into the spirit water lake can change the time trend of this space. The hero and heroine use the space of the bracelet to rapidly increase their strength. However, the male lead and the female lead are rich and powerful, and they have invested more spiritual stones, and they have been continuously investing in spiritual stones, so they have made the time of the space ten times that of the outside. In other words, one day outside is ten days in space, and one year outside is ten years in space. This is a very great killer. It is also a retreat. People retreat for one year to ten years. They can have a very high level of cultivation at a young age, leaving other monks of the same age far behind.

     Just now, he went out to ask Xiao Yuan about the time, ten days had passed outside, but he had spent thirty days in the space. This shows that the current time flow rate is three times. It seems that he has to work hard to earn Lingshi! Only by investing more spirit stones can the space become larger and the flow of time faster. If he can also have ten times more time than others, then why should he worry that his strength is not as good as others?

     One month later...     the first batch of spiritual grass planted in the space has basically matured under the dual effects of watering with spiritual water and ripening by Liu Mufeng. And Liu Mufeng had already memorized the contents of those five books by heart. 

    After harvesting the spirit grass, Liu Mufeng planted another batch, and then he took out the alchemy furnace and began to try alchemy.

     According to the alchemy book, the flames that need to be used in alchemy are the strange fire, followed by the beast fire, and then the earth fire. However, there were no strange fires, beast fires, or earth fires Liu Mufeng. Therefore, he can only choose to use the most common flint. Flint is a tool for making fire, somewhat similar to a modern lighter. The flint used by Liu Mufeng himself is a relatively common flint, which cannot be used for alchemy. It can only be used to light a fire for cooking. However, there are five high-grade flints in the alchemy furnace, which are sky flints. It is mentioned in the books introducing flames that this high-quality flint can be used for alchemy, and each piece can be used for three to five years .

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