69.The Jiang family.

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    A month later,

    looking at Jiang Dong, Jiang Min, Xu Qianshan, and Xu Qianya who blocked his way, Jiang Xu frowned a little irritably. "Get out of the way, good dogs don't block the way."

    Hearing this, Jiang Dong's face became gloomy. "Second brother, what are you talking about?"

    "Master Jiang, I am not your second brother. I have been kicked out of the house a long time ago. Don't come to me and misidentify relatives. I can't afford you This is called second brother." A joke, he was kicked out of the house at the age of thirteen, now, he is nineteen years old, and he has been kicked out of the house for six years. Jiang Dong actually came to recognize him as his cousin, wouldn't it be too funny?

    Hearing this, Jiang Dong frowned. "Second brother, don't be angry. Grandpa has already regretted it. As long as you go back to Jiang's house with me after the secret realm is over, grandpa will forgive you and accept you back home." He said with a look of displeasure

    . The willing Jiangdong, Jiang Xu smiled contemptuously. "Thank you Patriarch Jiang for your sympathy and pity for me. However, I'm not interested in going back!"

    So what if I go back? The person Grandpa likes is the big brother Jiang Dong, he doesn't even bother to look at him, and his uncle and aunt even regard him as a thorn in their side. Such a home that no one loves, no one hurts. What is he going back to do? Continue to be a cold bench, continue to look at other people's faces, continue to be looked at by others? No, he no longer needs such a home. It is enough for him to have Mu Feng who loves him and loves him. Why go back to the Jiang family and be a redundant person?

    "Jiang Xu, don't be ignorant of flattery. The Jiang family is willing to let you go back home because they think highly of you. You don't want to be toasted or punished!" Xu Qianya said unhappily while looking at Jiang Xu who didn't know what to do.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu snorted contemptuously. "Does the matter of the Jiang family have anything to do with you, Xu?" "

    You, you..." Looking at the arrogant and willful Jiang Xu, Xu Qianya was very angry.

    "Xiaoya, don't interrupt!" Xu Qianshan said coldly, casting a sidelong glance at his sister.

    "Oh!" Looking at her brother, Xu Qianya also knew that this matter was very important, so she didn't dare to say any more.

    "Second brother, grandpa and father are very worried about you. They heard that you are married to the grandson of the city lord of Black Dragon City. They are very happy for you. After the secret realm is over, you can take your partner back to Jiang's house!" Looking at Jiang Xu, Jiang Min spoke kindly.

    Look at Jiang Min's fake smile that can no longer be fake. Jiang Xu smiled knowingly. "Oh, I understand. At one moment, he said that he wanted me to return to the family, and at the same time he said congratulations on my marriage. So you are here for Mufeng, right?" "Second brother, what are you talking about, Liu

    Mufeng is ours ?" Brother-in-law, how could we embarrass him?"

    "Yes, Liu Mufeng is the grandson of the Lord of Black Dragon City, how could we embarrass him? Second brother, you are overthinking!"

    Looking at the disgusting flattery of the Jiang family brothers and sisters Jiang Xu snorted. "Yes, of course you won't embarrass him. You want to ask him to help you wash your spiritual roots!" What is the Jiang family's plan? If others don't know about Jiang Xu, how can they not know?

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