35.Plan to raise fish.

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    Lying on the kang, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu were one on the east side and the other on the west side, leaving half a meter between them. Although the oil lamp in the room has been extinguished, the strength of both of them is much better than before, and their eyesight is also much better than before. Even in a dark room, they can still see each other.

    "That..." Looking at the man beside him, Jiang Xu was a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

    "I let a team of original spirit insects guard the door and window, there will be no danger at night, you can sleep at ease!" On the road, Xiao Xu always sleeps restlessly. I met gangsters, but now that I am in the village, it should be safer.

    "Oh!" Jiang Xu nodded in response.

    "Xiao Xu, I have something to discuss with you." After thinking for a while, Liu Mufeng said again.

    "What's the matter?" Looking at the other party, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "I heard from my uncle and aunt that there is a big lake here, and there are a lot of freshwater fish. People in their village often go fishing, and then send it to Sixi Town for sale. I suddenly had an idea, you said, I am here How about raising fish in the lake?"

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu was taken aback. "Fish farming? Then, won't it pollute the spiritual water? Will it affect the water quality of the spiritual water?"

    "It won't be dirty, because the spiritual water itself has the ability to purify. It will affect the water quality of the spiritual water to some extent. However, if you don’t raise fish, Xiaoyuan and his group are really hard to raise. They don’t like the golden weeds that I planted for them in the space during this time. We can't always take them to the jungle to hunt!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng sighed again and again.

    "Well, that's true. If we can raise fish ourselves, then Xiaoyuan's food will be solved. If we go to the space to retreat, or if we don't have anything to eat, we can also eat fish. It is indeed a lot more convenient. "Nodding, Jiang Xu agreed.

    "I've seen the map. After leaving this village, we will pass Sixi Town. When we get to the town, we can sell the elixir and put some spirit stones into the lake. In this way, even if we raise fish, the water quality will not be bad. It's too bad!" In fact, as long as there is a steady supply of spiritual stones, the water quality of the spiritual water will rise in a straight line, and even raising fish will not affect the water quality at all.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu thought about it. "Then, do you need to regularly invest spiritual stones in your lake?"

    "Well, at least 50,000 spiritual stones must be invested every year to maintain the current water quality and time flow." judged.

    "Then, what would happen if there were no spirit stones?" Jiang Xu was very curious about this.

    "If there is no input of spirit stones, the lake will gradually become smaller. The water quality will gradually deteriorate, and the planted spirit grass will die, and the spirit energy in the space will become thinner and thinner, just like what I saw at the beginning It's the same as that decaying space." Having said that, Liu Mufeng sighed softly. So, this bracelet space costs more money than alchemy!

    "Oh, I see, then we need to earn more spirit stones in the future." Jiang Xu thought, sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, and quadruple time is not so easy to maintain. Those who want a higher multiple Time, and better water quality, you need to earn more spirit stones!

    "Yes, let's work hard together!" Looking at the people beside him, Liu Mufeng smiled softly. He felt that Xiao Xu sometimes spoke like his virtuous wife. This feeling of being urged by my daughter-in-law to earn Lingshi is really good!

    Facing Liu Mufeng's smiling face, Jiang Xu also smiled.

    "Sleep! Good night!" Saying that, Liu Mufeng gently closed his eyes.

    "Well, Ye'an!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu also slowly closed his eyes.

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