28.Spiny tooth pig.

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    The next day, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu got up early in the morning, ate two buns each, and left the village early. Because he was going to the back mountain and he didn't want to alarm the villagers, Jiang Xu didn't ride his demon horse and left on foot with Liu Mufeng.

    According to the description in the original book, Liu Mufeng brought Jiang Xu to the vicinity of the cave. "Xiao Xu, Xiao Yuan said that there seems to be a six-star fang pig living in it!"

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu nodded. "That's even better. A fang-toothed pig weighs more than five hundred catties! It's enough for us to eat for a long time!" Speaking of this, Jiang Xu licked his lips. Monster meat is a great supplement to monks!

    "Be careful, don't underestimate the enemy!" There was a fang pig in the cave three years later. I don't know what the situation is now. After all, he found it three years earlier than the original owner.

    "Don't worry!" Smiling, Jiang Xu drew his sword and walked in front.

    Don't worry about Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng followed closely behind him, thinking, if the fangtooth pig is difficult to deal with, then let Xiao Yuan out of the animal bag to help Xiao Xu, and then he will give birth to some miscellaneous animals. The grass entangled the thorn-toothed pig. In this case, Xiao Xu's chances of winning should be higher.

    The two approached the cave on tiptoe, and the thorn-toothed pig living in the cave seemed to hear the sound, and walked out of the cave on its own initiative. This thorn-toothed pig is gray, and Liu Mufeng thinks this guy looks like a modern wild boar, with two curved tusks protruding from the mouth, looking very ferocious.

    Jiang Xu twitched the corners of his mouth as he watched the sharp-toothed pig walking out. "Five-star in the Spirit Mortal Realm! Not six-star!"

    "Oh!" Maybe it's because the strength hasn't been raised to six-star yet! After all, it was mentioned for three years!

    "Aww..." Seeing Jiang Xu with a murderous look, the thorn-toothed pig wailed twice, turned around and ran towards the jungle. Obviously, it had discovered that Jiang Xu was stronger than it.

    "Where to run!" Seeing that the prey in his hand was about to run, Jiang Xu hurriedly ran to chase it.

    Immediately, the weeds under the feet of the thorn-tooth pig grew, and Liu Mufeng hurriedly wrapped the weeds around the legs of the thorn-tooth pig to prevent it from escaping.

    "Hey!" Raising the sword in his hand, Jiang Xu slashed at the thorn-toothed pig, cutting off the other's head. The method is clean and neat.

    Looking at the sharp-toothed pig that crashed to the ground, Liu Mufeng gave Jiang Xu a thumbs up. A look of admiration. "You are so powerful!"

    "It's not that I'm powerful, it's that it's not as strong as mine. If it's an eight-star or nine-star spirit mortal realm, it's not easy to kill." Jiang Xu immediately walked over to take away the assassin. The carcass of a toothed pig. Dig out the demon core in the head of the thorn-tooth pig.

    Seeing Jiang Xu throwing the fangtooth pig's head away, Liu Mufeng felt it was a pity, and directly released a group of original spirit insects of his own.

    The original spirit worm smelled blood. Immediately, it flew towards the head of the thorn-toothed pig, and a group of worms hugged the head of the thorn-toothed pig and began to gnaw on it. Even the blood splashed on the leaves of weeds, these guys didn't let go.

    "Xiaoyuan and the others have such a good appetite!" Jiang Xu chuckled as he watched a pig's head turn into a skull in the blink of an eye, with no flesh left.

    "Yeah!" I have a good appetite, but it's too much to eat. If it goes on like this, he will hardly be able to support him anymore.

    "Let's go, let's go and have a look in the cave!"

    "Okay!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng followed Jiang Xu one by one into the cave where the Toothy Pig lived.

    "That's right, there are a lot of spirit herbs!" Originally, looking for spirit herbs was just an excuse, but Liu Mufeng never thought that there really are so many spirit herbs here.

    "Are there many? I only know two!" Jiang Xu pointed to the only two 300-year-old spirit grasses in the cave.

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled. "You said that those two plants are three hundred years old. Besides those two plants, there are many other spiritual plants. However, they are less than one hundred years old, and some of them are still young." "

    Then , you come to dig the spiritual grass, I will go to the stream to dispose of the pig's carcass and shave off the meat!" After thinking for a while, Jiang Xu suggested division of labor and cooperation.

    "Okay, take Xiaoyuan and them there! Let them watch for you." Nodding, Liu Mufeng let Xiaoyuan and a group of original spirit insects leave with Jiang Xu.

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