5.Meeting Zhang Cui again.

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    Zhangjiacun is a poor village, and there is only one ox cart in the village. The bullock cart of Zhang Laoliu's family is the only means of transportation for the whole village to go to Shuangyang Town. The bullock cart leaves early and returns late, and goes to the town for a round trip of four taels of silver. If you ride alone, you have to pay the four taels of silver yourself. If several people ride together, that person can pay less money. Therefore, in many cases, everyone will go to town with a companion, so that you can spend less on the car. money!

    When Liu Mufeng arrived at Zhang Laoliu's house, the other seven people had already boarded the bullock cart, including Liu Mufeng, it happened to be eight people.

    "Everyone is here, let's go!" Looking at the crowd, Zhang Laoliu sat at the front of the ox cart, and drove the ox cart to leave Zhangjia Village.

    Looking at Liu Mufeng sitting on the bullock cart, Zhang Cui was very surprised. "Brother Liu, are you going to the town too?"

    "Yes, go to the town to have a look!" Glancing at the other party, Liu Mufeng turned his face away, closed his eyes and began to rest his mind. According to the memory of the original owner, it took them half an hour to go to the town in this bullock cart. He didn't want to be bothered by Zhang Cui all the way.

    "Oh!" Seeing Liu Mufeng closed his eyes, looking unwilling to talk to him, Zhang Cui frowned, and angrily ignored him. Heart said: This young master actually has a temper and doesn't talk to me anymore? He really thought he was still the young master of the Liu family? It's just the five spirit root waste that was assigned!

    Seeing Liu Mufeng's alienated appearance, Zhang Cui's father had a strange expression on his face. I thought to myself: Why did Liu Mufeng change his sex? In the past, he saw his daughter always surrounded by front and back to show her hospitality, why is she so indifferent today?

    An hour later...

    the ox cart came to Shuangyang Town, and after entering the city gate, Zhang Laoliu stopped the ox cart. "Here we are, everyone can get out of the car and go shopping. The old rule is to return to the village at three o'clock and meet here at the gate of the city. Don't come back late! It's not easy to walk at night!" Looking at the people in the car, Zhang The sixth child exhorted carefully.

    "Hey, I got it!" Responding, the villagers got out of the car one after another, and handed over half a tael of their car money to Zhang Laoliu.

    Seeing Liu Mufeng walking over to pay the money, Zhang Cui and his father followed behind Liu Mufeng. "Brother Liu, do you have any broken silver? I don't have any broken silver here?" "

    Oh, I don't have any extra silver. It just happens to be half a tael of silver!" Ai smiled helplessly at Zhang Cui. Liu Mufeng turned his head to look at Zhang Laoliu. "Uncle Liu, this is my fare. I won't go back tonight, so you don't have to wait for me."

"     Young Master Nine, when will you go back? I'm going to the city tomorrow. If you go back tomorrow, you can come to the gate of the city." Find me here!" It was agreed that it was a round-trip car fare, Zhang Laoliu felt a little embarrassed to accept Liu Mufeng's half a tael when he heard that Liu Mufeng said he couldn't go back. He thought that if Liu Mufeng went back tomorrow, he could bring him back.

     "It's okay, don't worry about me, I'm going on a long trip, I don't know when I'll return to the village!" Putting the money in Zhang Laoliu's hand, Liu Mufeng turned and left.     Seeing that he gave money to one person, Zhang Cui was very angry at Liu Mufeng who didn't help him pay for the car. In the past, when they went to the city together, Liu Mufeng would pay for the car for himself. But this time the bastard didn't pay himself, it's disgusting!

     Taking out a tael of silver, Zhang's father reluctantly paid for the car for himself and his daughter. He left with his daughter.     "What's going on, did you quarrel with Liu Mufeng?" Looking at his daughter, old man Zhang asked. 

    "No, who knows what's going on with him. I've been digging around recently. I borrowed spirit stones from him before, but he didn't lend them to me!" When it comes to this matter, Zhang Cui is particularly annoyed. I don't know what kind of wind Liu Mufeng has been taking recently, and he borrowed the spirit stone from him and he said it was spent. He didn't want to pay for the small money of half a tael in a car, he was really picky.

     Seeing his daughter's ugly face, the old man Zhang narrowed his eyes. "Girl, are you hanging him too hard? It's appropriate to give him some sweetness!" "     Father, don't tell me you want me to marry a trash with five spirit roots who was abandoned by the family? Looking at his father, Zhang Cui said sullenly. She doesn't want to marry a trash like Liu Mufeng!

    "Look again, didn't you say that he is looking for connections to return to the family recently?" If Liu Mufeng can return to the Liu family and marry his daughter to him, then their Zhang family will be on the rise. But, if Liu Mufeng can't go back to Liu's house, that's another matter!

    "Oh!" Zhang Cui nodded upon hearing this.

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