75.Active Showdown.

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A ​​few days later,

Zhang Hui couldn't help but frown when he walked out of his tent at night and looked at his sister standing five meters away from Liu Mufeng's tent. "Sister, don't act recklessly. There are golden spirit insects outside his tent."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan snorted contemptuously. "I know, but I really don't want to teach this bastard a lesson!"

Looking at his sister's unwilling look, Zhang Hui also frowned. As the young master of a big family, he has been praised by others since he was a child. Hold, hold respectfully. But this Liu Mufeng actually robbed him and his sister of the opportunity, and even dared to threaten him. He deserved to die. However, this person has five elements of spirit insects of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which is really difficult to deal with!

"Isn't it too dangerous?" Looking at the dense golden spirit insects on Liu Mufeng's tent, Zhang Hui was still a little worried.

"It's okay, I have a solution!" With that said, Zhang Yan released his pet animal, the Purple Spirit Marten, from his animal bag.

This Purple Spirit Marten is a cub, only the size of two palms, but its strength has reached five stars in the Spirit Realm and its appearance is very good. It was given to Zhang Yan by her grandfather. It is also one of Zhang Yan's secret weapons.

"Sister, isn't this too risky? If Purple Marten dies, you, as the owner, will also suffer backlash!" Looking at his sister, Zhang Hui was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, brother, my Purple Spirit Mink is very powerful. Liu Mufeng's little bugs are no match for it!" Zhang Yan was very confident about his pet.

"But Liu Mufeng's Five Elements Spirit Insect is also very powerful! It's not like you haven't seen the power of the Water Spirit Insect!" Frowning, Zhang Hui was still a little worried.

"Brother, don't worry. These are not water bugs. These are golden bugs. They are not as powerful as water bugs. Moreover, my purple marten is very fast. It has already entered the tent before they notice it." When it comes to this, Zhang Yan is full of confidence.

"But if this happens, if the three cousins ​​find out, will they blame us? I think the three cousins ​​are very kind to Liu Mufeng now!" He said sourly, Zhang Hui was still a little worried. .

"Don't worry, brother, I won't kill him. I just want my Purple Marten to bite him a few times to vent our anger!" At this point, Zhang Yan raised the corners of her mouth and showed a proud smile. .

"Well, then be careful. If you notice something is wrong, ask Purple Marten to come back immediately." Looking at his sister, Zhang Hui warned him uneasily.

Hearing this, Zhang Yan became even more proud. "Brother, just watch it!" After saying that, Zhang Yan rubbed the purple mink's soft fur and directly released his purple mink.

Standing aside, the Zhang brothers and sisters looked at the Purple Spirit Marten with pride, running like a purple lightning in the dark night. He rushed into Liu Mufeng's tent with lightning speed. Immediately afterwards, the golden spirit insects guarding the outside of the tent began to stir. However, the golden spirit insect did not enter the tent.

The tent was empty. Waiting for the purple spirit mink is a group of red fire spirit insects. Seeing the prey that broke into the camp, the fire spirit insects swarmed towards them. Each fire spirit insect was like a small flame, tightly wrapping the purple spirit ferret.

"Ouch..." The fur burned by the flames squeaked loudly, and the purple marten let out painful howls. He violently threw his body around and rolled violently on the ground, but to no avail.

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