57.Rune city

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    Hearing what his lover said, Jiang Xu frowned. "Do you want to buy so many things? Then, do we have to sell a batch of pills?

    " All the spirit grass and seeds are also disposed of. In this way, we should be able to sell some spirit stones. We only need to collect enough spirit stones to buy spirit grass and refining materials. If it is a magic talisman, I will find another way!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng Touched his chin.

    "Think of another way? What do you want to do?" Looking at his partner, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "I want to go to Rune City. I can exchange a batch of talismans directly with the city lord of Rune City." If that's the case, it can save a lot of spirit stones. It is true that selling pills makes money, but he has to raise a lake of spiritual water, and half of the spiritual stones he earns are filled into the lake. Therefore, Liu Mufeng didn't have many spirit stones.

    "Exchange? What to exchange with him? Use elixir?" Looking at his lover, Jiang Xu asked puzzled.

    "No, the pills are not enough. I want to buy the talismans we have used for ten years. Such a large number of talismans requires at least tens of millions of spirit stones. It is impossible to exchange pills. However, as far as I know, Rune City The city lord has an only son who is a monk with three spiritual roots."

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu's eyes widened in shock. "You, you want to wash the spiritual roots for others? Can you do it? Will it be dangerous? What if they don't believe us? What if they renege on their debts?" "Don't worry, I have my solution

    . They won't renege on their debt." Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng raised the corners of his mouth.

    "Then, without further ado, let's go to Rune City tomorrow, shall we? Just sell all the pills in our hands along the way!" Looking at his lover, Jiang Xu said positively.

    "No, we just got married and we are going to stay at home for our honeymoon. Anyway, we have plenty of time, so don't worry about it!" Just kidding, why would he leave home now? He has been a bachelor for two lifetimes, and finally married a wife, how could he leave home now?

    Hearing what his lover said, Jiang Xu blushed. "But……"

    "No, but, we must stay at home now. If we don't take care of ourselves now, we will have no chance when we get to the secret realm." The secret realm is full of dangers for ten years. At that time, it will be very difficult to find each other. Not to mention the couple are in love together.

    "Well, that, that's true!" Nodding his head, Jiang Xu naturally understood that there would be no stable life to live in the secret realm.


    Four months later, Rune City.

    Come to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu were stopped by two guards at the door.

    "This is the City Lord's Mansion of Rune City, don't intrude!" Looking at Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu, a guard of the Spirit Realm said coldly.

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled politely. "Fellow Taoist, please inform me that Liu Mufeng, the grandson of the City Master of Black Dragon City, is asking to see the City Master of Rune City."

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu was taken aback. Xin said: The way Mu Feng said, wouldn't it be to pretend to be the grandson of the city lord of Black Dragon City? can this work? Won't it be found out to be fake?

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