14.Beating away

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    After Liu Mufeng left, Jiang Xu practiced sword in the yard for a while, then went back to his room to practice.

    An hour later...

    Hearing the sound of the courtyard door being pushed open, Jiang Xu, who was sitting on the bed, immediately opened his eyes. I thought: Is Mu Feng back? Shouldn't it? Even if Mu Feng drove a carriage to the town, it was impossible for him to go so fast!

    After getting up, Jiang Xu walked out of the room, and saw the beautifully dressed. Carrying Zhang Cui who walked into the yard.

    Seeing that it was not Mu Feng, but a woman with heavy makeup and a smell of powder all over her body, Jiang Xu frowned, saying that first impressions are very important. For some reason, Jiang Xu felt bored when he first saw this woman. do not like.

    "Who are you looking for?" Looking at the woman, Jiang Xu asked coldly.

    "You? Who are you? Why are you at Brother Liu's house?" Zhang Cui couldn't help but frowned when he saw a pair of twins with excellent looks and no real strength walking out of the room, feeling very hostile towards Jiang Xu. I thought to myself: No wonder that idiot Liu Mufeng didn't look for her recently. It turned out that it was Jinwu Cangjiao who found one delivered to her door, no wonder he didn't look for her anymore.

    "It has nothing to do with you!" Looking at the woman, Jiang Xu said coldly.

    Seeing Jiang Xu's cold and arrogant appearance, Zhang Cui was very angry. "You, don't push yourself. Don't think I don't know what you are. You came from a brothel, right?" Looking at Jiang Xu contemptuously, Zhang Cui said with a face full of embarrassment.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu was furious. "You're courting death!" As he said, Jiang Xu directly punched Zhang Cui and sent him flying.

    Uncontrollably flying upside down for more than three meters, Zhang Cui fell directly to the ground, spitting out a big mouthful of blood. A carefully prepared plate of snacks also fell out of the basket.

    "You, you..." Zhang Cui was filled with resentment as he stared at Jiang Xu. Before, she couldn't see any cultivation level in this person at all. She thought that the other party was an ordinary person who couldn't cultivate, but she didn't expect that he was a monk who concealed his cultivation level. It was really disgusting.

    "Get out, if you don't get out, I'll kill you!" Jiang Xu didn't use his full strength for the punch just now, because he could tell at the first glance that the woman was a second-star in the Spirit Mortal Realm, so he only used 30% of his strength. With a full blow, Zhang Cui would have died long ago.

    "You, you bastard, you wait!" After glaring at Jiang Xu viciously, Zhang Cui turned around and ran away.

    He snorted disdainfully. Jiang Xu turned his head and went back to the room.

    An hour later, Liu Mufeng returned home with two chicken coops. Walking into the yard, I saw bloodstains, a basket, and a plate of broken snacks in the yard. Liu Mufeng was stunned, then hurriedly put down the chicken coop, and rushed into the house.

    "Jiang Xu, Jiang Xu..." Pushing open the door, Liu Mufeng called anxiously, his eyes looking around for the figure of that person.

    "Are you back?" Jiang Xu stepped out from behind the screen and looked at Liu Mufeng anxiously.

    "Are you injured?" Staring at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng asked anxiously.

    "No, I beat a woman away!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu told the truth.

    "Woman? What kind of woman?" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng asked suspiciously.

    "I don't know, I don't know her either. She is dressed like a butterfly, and she speaks softly. Ask me what I mean. I said it has nothing to do with her. She said she was a small official in my brothel, and I Just a light punch, and she vomited blood!" Speaking of this, Jiang Xu felt a little helpless. You can't blame him, that woman is too weak.

    "Maybe, maybe it's Zhang Cui, yes, a two-star in the Lingmortal Realm, right?" After thinking about it, Liu Mufeng felt that Zhang Cui must have seen him driving the carriage out in the morning. She knew that she was going to sell spirit grass in the town, so she came to her home to wait to borrow spirit stones, but she was unlucky and met Jiang Xu.

    "Yes, is it your woman?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked uncertainly. He remembered that woman seemed to be called Brother Liu Mufeng, who was so kind!

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng shook his head hastily. "No, no, it's just a fellow living in a village. I have nothing to do with her."

    Seeing Liu Mufeng respectfully thanking Bumin, Jiang Xu smiled. "You seem to be very afraid of her?"

    "Yeah, she often came to pick up spirit stones from me, borrowed them and didn't return them, and I got a headache when I saw her." Sigh, why did the original owner's rotten peach blossom find him? He is not the original owner?

    "Borrow a spirit stone?" Hearing this, Jiang Xu looked curious.

    "Well, she is a village flower in the village, and she often borrows spirit stones from unmarried men like me. She borrowed them three times before, and I thought that it would be difficult for the villagers to refuse, so I lent them to her. But, she borrowed Not to mention, she has become addicted to borrowing. Every time I go to the city to sell the spirit grass, she will come to borrow the spirit stone. She came to borrow the spirit stone once before, but I rejected it. Today, it should be because she saw me go to the town So, come to borrow spirit stones from me again!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng was a little depressed.

    "Is there such a shameless person? Borrowed again and again, but still don't pay back. Hmph, does she think she is the courtesan in the brothel? Just take a look and give her the spirit stone?" Looking at Jiang

    Xuqi With a bulging appearance, Liu Mufeng smiled wryly.

    "Forget it, this kind of person doesn't need to talk to her. The more you talk to her, the less she will know who she is." He's dead, and the yard stinks." Speaking of this, Jiang Xu sighed. In fact, he has a flame talisman on him, but that thing costs 300 spirit stones per piece! It was a life-saving thing, he would not use such an expensive talisman to burn a corpse.

    "Oh!" Liu Mufeng thought to himself as he looked at Jiang Xu, who was speaking in a calm and calm manner: Sure enough, one side supports another side. Killing people here is really the same as killing chickens or pigs. The reason why Jiang Xu didn't kill anyone was not because he was afraid of killing people, but because he was afraid of polluting the yard and wasting time burying the corpse. This reason is really painful!

    "Mu Feng, I feel that many people are walking towards this side!" Jiang Xu is a nine-star in the Spirit Mortal Realm, and his five senses are very sensitive.

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng frowned. "Zhang Cui must have brought other people to trouble you, let's go out and have a look!"

    "Oh!" Nodding lightly, Jiang Xu followed Liu Mufeng out of the room.

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