37.Consignment shop

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    After lunch, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu went to the consignment shop together. This consignment shop is the only one in Sixi Town, and it is also the most luxurious one. The consignment shop is divided into three floors. Each consignment of goods is different. The consignments on the first floor are all ordinary commodities. Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu failed to arouse their interest, so they went directly to the second floor.

    "The two seniors want to consign, or do you want to see the consignment goods?" Walking forward, a female cultivator with two stars in the Mortal Realm immediately came to greet the two with a smile.

    "Let's take a look at the goods!" Liu Mufeng said lightly after glancing at the nun.

    "Okay, please come here, seniors. Most of the consignments we sell are rare treasures. Look at this, this is an emerald glass cup, and this, this is a rare fire jade pillow." With The two came to a display cabinet, and the nun introduced them carefully.

    "Fellow Daoist, we are not very interested in rare treasures, do you have any spiritual herbs for consignment?" Looking at the female cultivator, Liu Mufeng asked with a smile.

    "Yes, of course there are, here, the two seniors, please follow me!" Said, the female cultivator brought the two of them to a showcase.

    When he came to the cabinet, Liu Mufeng took a look. Sure enough, there were many precious high-year spirit herbs in the cabinet. "How can I buy this three-hundred-year-old spiritual herb?"

    "Ah, senior has a good eye. This spiritual herb was just delivered, and the price is five hundred spirit stones." Smiling, the female cultivator immediately offered an offer.

    "Five hundred spirit stones, it's a bit expensive!" Frowning, Liu Mufeng hesitated. Although this spirit grass is very old, five hundred spirit stones are not cheap!

    "Senior, this spirit grass is Limegrass, which can purify the blood of animal pets. The two seniors are both pet owners. This spirit grass is very useful to you! As the saying goes, money is hard to buy, okay?" !" Taking a glance at the animal bags on Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu's waists, the female cultivator said with a smile.     "That's right, this limegrass does have some effect on improving the bloodlines of monsters, but I'm afraid the effect of taking the spirit grass will not be too great?" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng pointedly looked at the shopping guide female nun .

    "As for the elixir, we also have it in the consignment shop, but there is no elixir for purifying blood for monsters." Speaking of this, the female cultivator felt a little helpless.

    "Fellow Daoist, are there many people who come to your place to consign and sell pills?" Looking at the female cultivator, Liu Mufeng asked curiously.

    "Not too many. If you two want to buy pills, you can go to the pill shop next door. That shop is also opened by our town lord. It is the largest pill shop in Sixi Town. Many first- and second-class pills are Yes!" With a polite smile on her face, the nun warmly recommended.

    "Oh, that's it!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng expressed his understanding. "Then, how much spirit stones do you rent for a showcase here?"

    "Oh, if you rent a showcase here, you don't charge spirit stones for free, only 10% of the profit of the goods. The prices of the goods are also determined by the owner of the goods. Yes, we are only responsible for consignment sales. Just like the spiritual herb you saw earlier, the price of the five hundred spirit stones is also set by the owner of the goods. We are only responsible for consignment sales." Smiling, the nun patiently explained.

    "Ah, so it's like this! Then don't you guys rest here at night?" After thinking for a while, Liu Mufeng asked again.

    "Yes, many seniors like to come here for consignment at night, so our consignment shop entertains guests during the day and night!" Nodding, the female nun replied with a smile.

    "Well, well, since you said that the spirit grass can't be cheap, then five hundred spirit stones, I'll take it!" A lime grass may not have much effect, but if you can use this plant for three It will be different if the century-old spirit grass is refined into lime juice for Xiao Yuan to take.

    "Okay, I'll take it out for you!" Hearing Liu Mufeng said that he wanted to buy spiritual herbs, the female cultivator was overjoyed.

    Opening the showcase, the nun carefully took out the 300-year-old lime grass. Just then, a woman's voice was heard. "I want this spiritual herb!"

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