42.A table of eggs.

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    The next day, Jiang Xu took back his bounty of 10,000 spirit stones and threw them directly into the spirit water lake. Before Liu Mufeng entered the space to make alchemy, he specially left Jiang Xu two pieces of spiritual water made of wood. I'm afraid that the other party's spiritual water is not enough.

    Looking at the bracelet on his wrist, Jiang Xu slightly raised the corners of his mouth. Mu Feng said that it will take a month, and if the space is one month, it will only take three days outside. He wants to take advantage of these three days to find a shop that sells the elixir, and when Mu Feng refines the elixir, they can leave after selling the elixir.

    After entering the space, Liu Mufeng took a look at his spiritual grass, harvested the mature ones, and then planted a new batch of spiritual grass. After the planting was completed, Liu Mufeng came to the Lingshui Lake. He saw groups of original spirit insects lying around the lake, some were drinking the spirit water, and some were gathering together to eat fish.

    Five hundred fish were placed in the Lingshui Lake before, and a large amount of aquatic plants were also placed. Now, all the aquatic plants are growing vigorously. The fish in the lake are also endless, multiplying from generation to generation. Because the flow of time here is relatively fast, these ordinary fish reproduce relatively quickly, which can completely feed the speed of the original spirit insects.

    "Master, this spirit fish is really good!" Flying in front of Liu Mufeng, Xiao Yuan said flatteringly.

    "Well, as long as you like it!" Looking at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng smiled. He also felt that the idea of ​​raising fish was correct, otherwise, how would he feed such a group of guys?

    "Master, hurry up and give birth to those few spirit grasses!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Xiao Yuan urged.

    "Don't worry, your strength is not very stable yet, you should stabilize your strength first, and then use the lime juice, which will be better for you." Looking at Xiaoyuan, Liu Mufeng said with a smile.

    "Oh, I got it!" Nodding, Xiao Yuan muffledly responded.

    "Tell your subordinates, when I am not in the space, or when I am refining alchemy, take care of some spiritual fields. The spiritual grass in the spiritual field needs to be watered every three days, do you know?

    " I told them!" Nodding, Xiao Yuan said he knew.

    "Well, I'm going to make alchemy, don't come to the wooden house if you have nothing to do!" Looking at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng turned and left.

    After returning to the wooden house, Liu Mufeng smelled a very strange fishy smell. When he saw a large pile of black granules the size of sesame seeds wrapped in mucus on the wooden table, his face darkened in depression. Immediately summoned Xiao Yuan over.

    "Those, what are they?" Pointing at the things on the table, Liu Mufeng asked depressedly.

    "Egg, I gave birth!"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng's face darkened even more. "Who told you to lay eggs on the table?"

    "Then, where am I born? There is no tree hole here, so I can't be born in a lake?"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng was speechless for a while. Turned around and walked out of the cabin. Arriving at the east side of the wooden house, Liu Mufeng took out a wooden box from his space ring and placed it next to the wooden house. "In the future, lay eggs in the box. Also, this wooden box is the nest for you and your subordinates. Don't enter the wooden house again." "

    Stingy, as for getting angry? If I lay more eggs, don't you have more subordinates?"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng snorted unhappily. "Find your subordinates and come over and clean the table for me."

    "Ah, got it!" Responding, Xiao Yuan turned around to find other original spirit insects and helped it move those eggs into the box.

    After half an hour, Liu Mufeng's expression improved slightly as he looked at the jade bamboo table that had been cleaned up. Xin said: Xiaoyuan, the prodigal, actually laid all his eggs on the jade bamboo table. It really knows how to find a place! That's Jade Bamboo, this table can sell tens of thousands of spirit stones if you take it out!

    No, if you encounter suitable trees in the future, you have to transplant a few of them. Otherwise, this guy Xiao Yuan might not be able to find the tree hole in a while, and he might lay eggs on the table again.

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