32.Bracelet space.

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    Standing in an unfamiliar space, Liu Mufeng looked around. He found that the area of ​​this space was not too big, and to the east was a spiritual field, in which were planted many precious third-level spiritual grasses, but the growth of the spiritual grasses was not good, and they were all a little wilted. Some spirit grasses even started to turn yellow leaves.

    There is a blue lake in the west, but the lake is not big, and it looks lifeless, as if it will dry up soon. Gives a sense of decay and bleakness.

    There is a small wooden house in the south, but the house is not big. It also looks very simple.

    After checking, Liu Mufeng sniffed, he felt that the aura in this space was very thin. It is not even as strong as the aura outside. It seems that this space should not have been invested with spirit stones for a long time, otherwise, it would not have become like this. However, this is not surprising, after all, the previous owner of the space has been dead for a long time, and no one is in charge of this place.

    "Alas!" With a soft sigh, Liu Mufeng walked to the front of the lake and looked at the light blue water in the lake. I thought: Is this the spiritual water in the original book? It doesn't look like much! Maybe it's because I haven't been nourished by spiritual power for too long! Thinking so, Liu Mufeng gritted his teeth. He directly took out 18,000 spirit stones and threw them into the lake without hesitation.

    Looking at the tumbling lake surface, Liu Mufeng sighed. Xin said: After finally getting 20,000 spirit stones, it became 2,000 in the blink of an eye. The rest is for naught. I guess he is the most prodigal guy in the world.

    After tumbling for a while, the lake slowly calmed down. After the calm, the color of the lake was three points darker than before. Moreover, the aura is much stronger than before.

    Taking out a cup from the interspatial ring, Liu Mufeng bent down to scoop up a cup of spiritual water, lowered his head, and took a sip. He felt as if he was absorbing spiritual stones for cultivation, his whole body was warm and very comfortable. Moreover, the spiritual energy in the spiritual water is obviously easier to absorb than the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone.

    "Not bad!" Liu Mufeng praised softly, and drank the remaining half cup of spiritual water. Then he took out the bucket and ladle. The spiritual water filled with two logs left the space.

    "Master!" Seeing Liu Mufeng appear, Xiao Yuan immediately came up to him.

    "This is your rations for ten days, save some food. If you run out of food, call me with a contract, and I will deliver other things to you. Remember, when eating, take turns, one team guards the gate, and the other eats. Protect Xiao Xu!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng put two barrels of spiritual water and a basket of golden grass on the ground.

    "Master, I don't have any meat, and I'm eating golden grass!" "

    It's okay, it's good to have golden grass for you to eat. You should drink more of this water. Take good care of Xiaoxu. After Xiaoxu leaves the customs, you It's time to refine my four spiritual roots!" Looking at Xiao Yuan, Liu Mufeng said so. He planned to let Xiaoyuan drink some spiritual water to stabilize his strength, and then refine his spiritual root.

    Hearing this, Xiao Yuan's eyes lit up. Nodding again and again. "Well, I know the master!"

    "Okay, you can contact me if you have anything!" Looking at Xiao Yuan again, Liu Mufeng turned his head and went back to the space of the bracelet.

    Looking at the master who disappeared again, Xiao Yuan blinked his eyes and said to himself: Where did the master go again? Mysterious!

    Back in the space, Liu Mufeng checked the spiritual field, and he found that the spiritual grass that had been wilted before had revived. Taking out the wooden bucket, Liu Mufeng went to the lake to fetch water, and poured the spiritual water on those third-level spiritual grasses, and the spiritual grasses immediately regained their spirits by three points.

    After watering, Liu Mufeng went to check the cabin. The wooden house is not big, but there are beds, tables, chairs, some dishes and tea cups, all these daily necessities are missing. Moreover, these things are all made of high-quality jasper bamboo. It can be said that every daily necessities in this cabin are priceless!

    After cleaning the cabin inside and out, Liu Mufeng took out the spiritual grass seeds that the original owner had treasured. The original owner is a spiritual planter who loves planting very much. Therefore, when he was in Liu's house, he collected a lot of spiritual grass seeds. Liu Mufeng took them out and counted them. There were fifty-eight kinds in total. In the spirit of not wasting, Liu Mufeng worked hard for fifteen days and planted all the seeds in the spiritual field.

    At this moment, Liu Mufeng was a little surprised to find that the area of ​​the spirit field seemed to be much larger than before he threw the spirit stone. This realization made Liu Mufeng ecstatic.

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