86.The heroine is shocked.

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Three months later, on this day (ten months and thirteen days in the secret realm)

, Liu Mufeng took Jiang Xu to a lake. Looking at the golden lotus that was about to bloom in the middle of the lake, Liu Mufeng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. "The Golden Jade Lotus will bloom soon. If I can get the Golden Jade Lotus, I can refine the Golden Jade Pill!"

"What does the Golden Jade Pill do?" Jiang Xu asked curiously, looking at his partner.

"The Golden Jade Pill is also a pill that assists in advancing to the spiritual master realm. It is the same as the Jinyang Pill. However, the two pills can be used together!" Liu Mufeng said as he looked at his partner. This golden jade lotus is also an opportunity for the male protagonist and the female protagonist. It may not be easy to get it!

"Oh?" After hearing his lover's words, Jiang Xu immediately became interested. He thought that if he had this golden jade lotus, his lover could refine the golden jade elixir. When the time comes, with the aid of the Golden Jade Pill and the Jinyang Pill, it will be easier for Mu Feng to advance to the spiritual master realm.

"When the golden jade lotus flower matures, it will exude a faint medicinal fragrance. At that time, the monsters in the lake will definitely compete for the lotus flower. It will not be easy for us to get it!" At this point, Liu Mufeng sighed softly. It's a monster. There are male protagonists, female protagonists, and even other monks. I'm afraid it's not easy to seize food from the tiger's mouth!

"What are you afraid of? I'm here!" Jiang Xu smiled when he said this. He didn't believe that he couldn't help his friend get the opportunity with his strength.

Looking at his wife, Liu Mufeng was happy. "Okay, then let's set up a tent by the lake first and wait a few days until the lotus flowers are mature. If we can get them, we'll try our best to get them. If we can't get them, don't try too hard."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Nodding, Jiang Xu agreed.


Three days later, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu did not wait for the golden jade lotus to bloom, but six acquaintances arrived.

Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu twitched their lips when they saw the male protagonist, female protagonist, Jiang Dong, Jiang Min, Xu Qianya, and Xu Qianshan coming here. Didn't say hello to them. The six people were very sensible and didn't say anything.

Liu Mufeng caught a few fish in the lake, set up a stove outside the tent, and was making fish head porridge for his partner. Jiang Xu stayed with his lover quietly and helped him light the fire.

"It seems that they are also here for the Golden Jade Lotus!" Liu Mufeng frowned deeply as he looked at the six people setting up tents.

"Hmph, why are you afraid that I can beat them!" At this point, Jiang Xu snorted coldly. Among the six people, the most powerful ones are Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Dong, both of whom are nine-star spiritual masters. However, now that he is three-star spiritual master, he has a certain chance of winning even in a one-on-one match. It is impossible. lost.

"No, try not to do it if you can! They are members of the four major families in Jialan City, and they are all monks with backing." The male protagonist and the female protagonist both have the halo of protagonists, so it may not be easy to hurt them.

Jiang Xu nodded after hearing his lover's words. "Oh!" He also understood that it was difficult to offend the four major families since they all had the Spirit King Realm in charge!

After the tent was set up, the six male protagonists gathered together to discuss the matter.

"Xiao Xu and Liu Mufeng are also here, obviously they are also here for the Golden Jade Lotus!" Speaking of this, the male protagonist frowned deeply.

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