21.Jiang Xu is leaving

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    Walking into the living room, Liu Mufeng couldn't help but frowned when he saw Xiaoyuan lying on the table full of spirit stones, absorbing the spirit stones contentedly. There were at least two hundred spirit stones on that table. No wonder, the bastard Xiaoyuan didn't move when he saw his master come back!

    "Jiang Xu, you dote on it too much, why did you give it so many spirit stones?" Looking at Jiang Xu beside him, Liu Mufeng said helplessly.

    "I think Xiaoyuan has just been promoted, and her strength is not stable. So, I gave it some spirit stones. It's okay, once she refines all these spirit stones, her strength will be stable!" Speaking of this, Jiang Xu smiled with relief, Xiaoyuan is Mufeng's contract beast, the more powerful Xiaoyuan is, the more he can protect its master.

    "You!" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng was very grateful.

    "Buzzing, buzzing..." Suddenly, Xiao Yuan, who was lying on the pile of spiritual stones and absorbing the spiritual stones, called out.

    After understanding Xiao Yuan's meaning, Liu Mufeng felt a black line on his forehead. Xin said: Xiao Yuan, this bastard, is Jiang Xu taking advantage of him? He is still summoning his hands to absorb the spirit stones.

    "What is Xiaoyuan talking about?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "It asked its subordinates to come over, saying that there are many spirit stones here, let them come and absorb them!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng rolled his eyes.

    Sure enough, within a short time, the Yuanyuan spirit insects in the yard received Xiaoyuan's call, and all flew into the living room. Like Xiaoyuan, they lay down on the pile of spirit stones and began to absorb them.

    "They're all here, should I get some more spirit stones for them?" Seeing that all the swarms flew in, Jiang Xu felt that two hundred spirit stones might not be enough.

    "No, don't spoil them, these are enough, I'm very poor, if you spoil them, I don't have spirit stones to raise them!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng smiled wryly. His spirit grass did not mature so quickly, even if it matured, the more than one hundred spirit stones were only enough for his own cultivation, and there was nothing left for Zhongqun.

    Seeing Liu Mufeng respectful and thankful, Jiang Xu smiled. "What are you afraid of? Don't I have spirit stones here? I mean, I still have the heads of those six people! If you take them to Ping'an Town, you can exchange them for 10,000 spirit stones!" "Speaking of which, I always     thought It's very strange, why does the town lord of Ping'an Town offer a reward to Zhenbei Liuxiong? Doesn't it mean that the lords of every city don't care about the local security and only care about earning spirit stones?" Liu Mufeng has always been curious about this. 

    "Oh, there is a reason for this. If you want to blame it, you can blame Zhenbei Liuxiong's poor eyesight. He did a lot of murder and robbery business, and ended up accidentally killing the youngest son of the town lord of Ping'an Town. Therefore , the town lord directly issued a reward to hunt down and kill six of them, and they also came to Shuangyang Town to avoid being hunted down." Speaking of this, Jiang Xu snorted coldly. 

    "Then, you made a special trip to Shuangyang Town to kill Zhenbei Liuxiong to offer a reward?" "     No, how did I know that Zhenbei Liuxiong was hiding in Shuangyang Town? I actually accepted a reward from Shuangyang Town. The lord's youngest daughter wants to contract a snow rabbit and needs a cub snow rabbit. I accepted the reward in Jialan City and found the cub snow rabbit in the ancient forest. Then I came to Shuangyang Town. The reward just came After I finished, I wanted to practice, didn't I go to the bookstore to buy books and maps that day?"

"     Yes, what you bought was a book introducing monsters!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng also remembered, the first time we met At that time, what Jiang Xu bought were books and maps introducing monsters, which were indeed two necessary things for a monk to go out to practice.  

   "Originally, I wanted to practice, but I was lucky. I accidentally discovered the traces of Mobei Liuxiong. I saw their reward portraits, so I recognized them at a glance. Therefore, I That's why I hired a carriage!"     "Oh, so it is!" Nodding his head, Liu Mufeng expressed his understanding.     "Mu Feng, Xiao Yuan has successfully advanced. I plan to leave tomorrow!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu proposed to leave for the second time. 

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng couldn't help frowning. "It didn't take long for your injury to heal, why don't you stay for a few more days to recuperate?"

    "No need, I'm too embarrassed to always stay at your house for free!" Jiang Xu blushed slightly when he said this.

    "What are you afraid of? We are friends, didn't you say that?"

    "Then you can't stay in your house forever? I, I don't have such a thick skin!"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng laughed. "Actually, I really hope that you will depend on me for the rest of your life. Seeing you every day is the happiest thing for me!" "

    Hey..." Hearing what Liu Mufeng said, Jiang Xu was stunned, and his face turned even redder up.

    "Okay, you watch those guys, I'll cook, I'll cook squirrel fish for you today!" Looking at Jiang Xu again, Liu Mufeng smiled and left.

    A person walked into the kitchen silently, the smile on the corner of Liu Mufeng's mouth had already disappeared. Instead, there was a sad look on his face. Jiang Xu is leaving? Where will he go? Will you go find the male lead? Thinking of Jiang Xu's fate and the bad things that will happen in the future, Liu Mufeng's face was extremely gloomy.

    What should he do so that Jiang Xu will not die in the hands of the hero and the six heroines? If he directly speaks ill of the male lead, Jiang Xu will definitely not believe it. Jiang Xu loves that man so deeply, he will never believe himself who has only known him for a month.

    what to do? What should he do?

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