26.Decided to leave.

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    Looking at the man kneeling in front of him, Jiang Xu felt unspeakably guilty, as if his heart was kneaded into a ball by someone, and the pain was severe. "Mu Feng, get up, can you get up? Don't do this!"

    "Yeah!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng slowly stood up from the ground. Alas, I have been a bachelor for two lifetimes, and I finally met someone I like, and I finally knelt on the ground and proposed once, but in the end, I failed.

    "Mu Feng, you are a single spiritual root now, your aptitude is very good, you will definitely find a pair better than me, you, you better forget about me!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu said guiltily.

    "No, I only like you alone." Shaking his head, Liu Mufeng answered extremely firmly. He didn't believe it, he was no match for a stallion.

    "You, why do you have to be so stubborn?"

    "What about you? Why can't you try to like me? Why do you have to be so stubborn to like others?" "

    I..." Hearing the other party's question, Jiang Xu felt a little bit Speechless.

    "Xiao Xu, you have your persistence, and I have mine. Both of us are people who will not hit the south wall and never look back, so don't try to change my persistence, and I will not try to change yours." Persevere, is this okay?" Liu Mufeng revealed a gentle smile and began to discuss with Jiang Xu.

    Seeing Liu Mufeng's smile obviously had a bit more bitterness. Jiang Xu felt even more distressed. "Why are you bothering?"

    "As long as you are not married to someone else, or you are not married to someone else. Then, I have the right to pursue you, right?" After living two lifetimes, I met such a person who suits my heart. How could Liu Mufeng give up lightly?

    "I, I..." Biting his lips, Jiang Xu didn't know how to refute the other party's words. In fact, he also felt that what Mu Feng said made sense. As long as he doesn't get married for a day, Mu Feng has the right to pursue himself. But the problem is, the person I like is not Mu Feng, let Mu Feng wait for a fruitless matter. Jiang Xu felt that this was cruel to him.

    "The spiritual grass in my field will be ripe in five days. When the spiritual grass is ripe, we will leave after harvesting the spiritual grass. First go to Ping'an Town to get your bounty back, and then go to Jialan City to find you The one you like should confess. Are you okay?" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng asked softly.

    "Mu Feng, you, do you really want to go with me?" Looking at the other party, Jiang Xu asked uncertainly.

    "Well, let's go with you. From now on, I will go wherever you go. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and I will follow you for the rest of my life!" When chasing a wife, of course I want to follow her.

    "But, you left with me, then, what about your house? And Lingtian, what about your Lingtian?" Thinking of this, Jiang Xu frowned.

    "It's okay, the house is not mine, and neither is the Lingtian. These are all under the family's name, not mine. When I leave, my uncle will take them back in half a year!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng snorted lightly.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu was shocked. "What? It's not yours? You have been kicked out of the family. It's just such a small earthen house, such a small piece of spiritual land, and your uncle won't give it to you?" "Yes, he is like this, full of benevolence and righteousness.

    " In morality, he always puts the interests of the family first. However, in fact, he often enriches his own pockets. A spirit stone is extremely precious in his eyes." Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng looked contemptuous.

    "He's gone too far!" Speaking of this person, Jiang Xu gritted his teeth with hatred, it was that bastard who drove Mu Feng out. They said to the outside world that Mu Feng was asked to come to Zhangjia Village to cultivate his body, but in fact, he didn't give Mu Feng anything, even such a dilapidated adobe house and such a small piece of spiritual land were reluctant to give Mu Feng.

    "It doesn't matter, even if he gave it to me, such a dilapidated house and such a small piece of spiritual land can't sell a few spiritual stones. Besides, even if everything is mine, I don't dare to buy it. I don't want to buy it." The Liu family knows that I have left Zhangjiacun. At least I can’t go ahead and let them know!” Liu Mufeng didn’t want to be caught by the old fox, the original owner’s uncle.

    "Well, that's true!" Nodding his head, Jiang Xu agreed.

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