49.Meeting an old man

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    After Mrs. Wang left, Liu Mufeng released Xiaoyuan. Use Xiaoyuan as a medium to keep abreast of the situation below.

    "He said there's nothing good down here, it's a bit of a broken book, and there's a smelly thing like a formation. There's nothing else!" Hearing Xiao Yuan's words,

    Liu Mufeng frowned. "There is still a formation?"

    "Yes, it said that the formation is different from the one that was blown up just now, and the level is higher. And the taste is also different." "

    What do you mean by the different taste? It is not the same formation? "

    Well, it should be!" Nodding, Xiao Yuan agreed.

    "Ask it, will it be dangerous for me and Xiao Xu to go down, will the formation attack us?" "

    Yeah!" Nodding, Xiao Yuan immediately contacted his husband. "It said no, it said that the formation couldn't be activated, it was broken! Besides, the formation is at the innermost part of the cave, so it won't hurt you!" "Well, okay!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng looked

    at Jiang Xu. "Xiao Xu, let's go down!"

    "Okay!" Nodding, Jiang Xu took out a lighting stone and went down first.

    Fearing that Xiao Xu would be in danger, Liu Mufeng immediately followed Jiang Xu into the cave.

    Stepping on the steps, the two walked into the depths of the cave one after the other. Liu Mufeng discovered that the cave was very dilapidated. There were many shelves in the cave, and many books were placed on the shelves. There were also many glass jars, but those jars were all empty. Liu Mufeng guessed that there should have been beast fires in these jars before, but with the passage of time, many beast fires were exhausted and disappeared without the nourishment of the spirit treasure.

    Picking up a book, Liu Mufeng wiped off the dust on it, and flipped through it.

    Seeing that the books were written in ancient Chinese, Jiang Xu frowned deeply. "Mu Feng, these books are written in ancient characters? What should I do?"

    Seeing his lover's anxious little face, Liu Mufeng smiled. "It's okay, I know ancient characters." He has read books in Black Dragon City for a year! He has learned ancient Chinese a long time ago, so how can it be difficult to get him with a few ancient Chinese characters?

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu froze for a moment, then his eyes widened. He looked at each other with a look of admiration. "Mufeng, you are really good. You know all the

    ancient prose!" feel something.

    "What's written on it?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "This book talks about some historical origins of ingesting flames. It talks a lot. In ancient times, monks used earth-shaking methods to ingest flames." Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng smiled.

    Hearing this, Jiang Xu's eyes lit up. "Is it really the secret book of the fire-absorbing technique?"

    "Yes, we were lucky, we found it!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng's smile was filled with joy.

    "That's great! Put away all the books!"

    "Okay!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng swept the dust off the books, and put away all the books and those special glass jars.

    After collecting the things, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu went to look for those earth spirit worms, and found that those worms were all in the innermost part of the burrow. They are all revolving around a formation.

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