20.Xiao Yuan advances

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    After returning to the living room, Jiang Xu took the initiative to clean up the table and wash the dishes. The meals are all made by Mufeng. It doesn't matter if you don't do anything in the sky, but now that you are all well, you can't wait for Mufeng to serve you every day! So, a few days ago, Jiang Xu started to take up the job of washing dishes.

    Liu Mufeng knew that Jiang Xu had a strong personality, and he was very stubborn. He said he wanted to help wash the dishes, but if you refused to do it, he would definitely think that you disliked him. Therefore, even if someone could break a bowl or plate every day, Liu Mufeng did not refuse to help.

    Picking up the tea cup on the table, Liu Mufeng took out the bottle of dust-cleaning liquid, and poured a small bottle of dust-cleaning liquid into the cup, which happened to be half full.

    "Master, what is that? It smells so good!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Xiao Yuan flew in front of Liu Mufeng and asked excitedly.

    "This is the dust-cleaning liquid I bought for you. It can help you improve your blood. Go in and soak it!" "

    Okay!" Nodding, Xiao Yuan plunged one end into the cup. Swimmed in the emerald green concoction.

    Walking into the room, looking at Xiao Yuan soaking in the cup with enjoyment, Jiang Xu smiled. "After soaking in this dust-cleaning liquid, Xiaoyuan's strength should be improved a little bit!" Xiaoyuan's bloodline is higher than that of ordinary waste worms. If the bloodline is purified, not only the bloodline can be improved, but also the strength can be improved. .

    "Well, it should be possible!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng said the same. I hope that Xiaoyuan's strength can be mentioned again, so that he can be more confident in transforming his spiritual root.

    Bending down, Jiang Xu sat beside Liu Mufeng, and followed Liu Mufeng to look at Xiaoyuan in the cup.

    Looking at Xiao Yuan who was taking a bath in the cup with a contented face, Liu Mufeng couldn't help but twitched his mouth. The first step has been successful, and next, it depends on Xiaoyuan whether he can succeed in transforming his spiritual root.

    Staring at Xiaoyuan in the cup, Liu Mufeng felt that the original spirit insect of this comprehension continent was very similar to a kind of insect in the modern world—the seven-star ladybug. The original spirit insect is the same as the seven-star ladybug, its body is semicircular and orange-yellow, but there are only five points on the back of the original spirit insect, and these five points represent the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and different colors. same. They are gold, green, blue, red, and khaki, unlike the dots on the seven-star ladybug's back that are all black. However, apart from this difference, the two insects are very similar in other places.

    "Xiao Yuan will soak for a long time?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "Well, it should take a few days to see her appearance!" Although this dust-cleaning liquid is the lowest level, it still takes some time for Xiao Yuan to fully absorb the essence of the liquid.

    "Oh!" Jiang Xu nodded upon receiving Liu Mufeng's answer. Actually, he wanted to talk about leaving, but Jiang Xu thought it would be better to leave after Xiao Yuan was promoted. In that case, with Xiao Yuan protecting Mu Feng, others would not dare to bully Mu Feng in the future.


    A few days later,

    seeing Liu Mufeng returning with two large wooden barrels, Jiang Xu rushed forward to help carry a wooden barrel. "Mu Feng, why did you buy so many fish?" Jiang Xu was very curious when he saw that the two big wooden barrels were full of fish.

    "Oh, didn't you say that you don't like chicken? Then, I just wanted to buy you some fish and make some fish soup. I bought a few more this time, I'm afraid I won't buy enough, They were all eaten by Xiaoyuan again!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng smiled helplessly. These bugs are quite edible.

    "Oh!" Jiang Xu laughed when he heard that the fish was bought for himself. Living here these days, Mu Feng always cooks all kinds of delicious food for himself in various ways, always saying that he needs to make up for his injuries before, which makes him fat.

    "By the way, how is Xiao Yuan?" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng asked.

    "Oh, Xiaoyuan, it's very good, he has advanced to the seventh star of the Spirit Mortal Realm!" Speaking of this, Jiang Xu was very happy.

    "Advanced?" Hearing this, Liu Mufeng was overjoyed, he was only away from home for a day, unexpectedly Xiao Yuan would be promoted.

    "Yes, it's in the room! Go and see it!"

    "Okay!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng followed Jiang Xu into the room.

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