46.Black dragon city.

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    Hearing Xiao Yuan's words, Liu Mufeng smiled wryly. "That's right, if he doesn't meet me, he might be an ordinary person all his life, but since he met me and contributed his spiritual root to you, then we have to be kind and leave one for him, no matter whether he can or not in the future. To become monks, at least we have a clear conscience."

    "Okay, let him leave a lightning root!" After thinking about it, Xiao Yuan agreed to leave a spiritual root for the other party.

    "Okay!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng took out the dagger and directly opened a hole in Da Gouzi's lower abdomen.

    Xiao Yuan shrunk his body a bit, and flew directly into Da Gouzi's stomach with a group of original spirit insects under his command.

    Taking out the jade box and a bottle of recovery fluid, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu sat aside, waiting silently.

    "Mu Feng, Big Gouzi's brows moved, won't he wake up?" Seeing Big Gouzi with a pale face and frowning brows, Jiang Xu said worriedly.

    "No, the spirit grass juice given to them is not weak, and they won't wake up. Maybe they frowned because they felt the pain. It's okay!" Liu Mufeng glanced at Da Gouzi and said it was okay. Son.

    "Well, okay. If he wakes up, I'll kill him. Save him from talking nonsense!" Speaking of this, Jiang Xu's eyes flashed with murderous intent. The space and the five-element spirit insects are Mufeng's secrets, and no one should know about them.

    Looking at Jiang Xu with a fierce face, Liu Mufeng smiled. He felt that Xiao Xu was a bit like a big villain right now. However, Liu Mufeng felt warm in his heart when he thought that Xiao Xu wanted to kill people to silence him to protect himself. Such a villain is so cute! 

    Xiaoyuan's current strength is one star in the Spirit Realm, and its subordinates are kept in the space, eating spirit fish and drinking spirit water all day long, and each of them is smooth and smooth, and their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the strength of the princes under it now are at the level of six or seven stars in the spiritual mortal realm, and even the strength of ordinary original spirit insects has reached the level of four or five stars in the spiritual mortal realm.

     The overall strength has improved, and the speed of digging the spiritual roots is much faster than when digging the spiritual roots for Liu Mufeng before. In just one stick of incense, the seven spiritual roots were sent to the jade box in Jiang Xu's hand.

    Seeing that all the original spirit insects flew out, Liu Mufeng immediately uncorked the bottle and poured the recovery liquid into Da Gouzi's wound drop by drop.

    Looking at the wound that healed quickly with the naked eye, Jiang Xu was shocked. "Mufeng, your recovery solution is so powerful!"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng laughed. "The effect of this thing on us is not so good. Da Gouzi is an ordinary person, so he can use this effect immediately. But we can't, let's use this as an example. If I get injured and use this, it will take three days at the earliest Well, if it’s yours, it will take six days. With twice the dose, it will take four days.” “

    Why? It has something to do with strength?”

    “Yes, you are now in the realm of spirits, so the effect of this thing on you It’s not very big, it’s not as good as medicine!”

    “Oh, that’s it!” Nodding his head, Jiang Xu was a little disappointed, he thought that he could recover as quickly as a big dog when he was injured, but it turned out he couldn’t!

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