90.Tenderness and sweetness.

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Half a year later, (the secret time is one year, four months and eighteen days.)

Sitting side by side, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu were having dinner. Seeing his lover beside him who had recovered from his injuries, Jiang Xu kept smiling and felt very happy. I thought: It’s been half a year, and Mu Feng’s injury is finally healed.

"Is it delicious?" Liu Mufeng asked with a smile, looking at his friend beside him.

"Yeah, it's delicious!" Jiang Xu nodded, ate big mouthfuls, and said yes again and again.

"Xiao Xu, shall we leave here tomorrow?" I have lived by the lake for half a year. Now, Liu Mufeng's injury has healed, and it's time to leave.

"Well, okay!" Jiang Xu nodded and agreed. In fact, for him, it didn't matter where he lived, as long as he was with Mu Feng.

"You have been saying all day that if I am healed, you will promise me everything, and my injury will be healed. Why don't you express your gratitude?" Looking at his wife, Liu Mufeng asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Xu's face turned red. "Then, how do you want me to express it?"

Looking at his wife's cute appearance, Liu Mufeng fondly rubbed her lover's hair. "Tonight is the last night we stay here. How about we go to the grass by the lake tonight?"

"The grass by the lake?" Hearing this, Jiang Xu was stunned. He immediately understood what his partner meant. "People will see it outside."

"You can set up restrictions, so people outside can't see it!" Liu Mufeng said with a smile.

"But, but..." Jiang Xu felt a little ashamed at the thought of doing such an intimate thing outside.

"You promised me that you can do anything, and you can't go back on it!" Liu Mufeng said seriously as he stared at his wife, not giving her a chance to go back on her words.

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Xu nodded reluctantly, and agreed shyly.


At night, the moonlight is bright and the waves are sparkling on the lake. Everything is so peaceful and beautiful.

Sitting on a fiery red animal skin, Jiang Xu kept staring around with some embarrassment. Like a thief who is afraid of being discovered by his owner, he behaves very nervously.

"The scenery here is very nice, isn't it?" Liu Mufeng hugged his lover's waist and kissed his lover's cheek gently.

"Really, is there really no one here? Won't anyone else see him?" Jiang Xu asked uneasily as he looked at his partner.

Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled. "Little fool, you are the most powerful in this secret realm. You are in the spiritual master realm, what are you afraid of? If anyone dares to peek, just kill him!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xu turned around Black and white eyes. "Well, that's true!" If you were outside, the most powerful person would be the Spirit King Realm, but the most powerful person in this secret realm would be the Spirit Master Realm like him. So, there’s really nothing to be afraid of. It's just that I still feel a little ashamed.

"Baby, you are the most powerful monk in this secret realm!" Kissing Jiang Xu's earlobe gently, Liu Mufeng started to untie his lover's belt. Pressing the person on top of the animal skin.

Hearing his lover's compliment, Jiang Xu showed a sweet smile. "I, I am not the most powerful person, Mu Feng is the most powerful person. He can make elixirs, capture fire, and wash people's spiritual roots."

Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled and pinched his lover's chin with a smile. "But, even though I am so powerful, I have to bow down under your white clothes and be fascinated by you. Then tell me, are you the most powerful person?"

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