16.Cleaning liquid

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    Putting down the crystal ball in his hand, Jiang Xu picked up a blue porcelain bottle on the table out of curiosity. "Mu Feng, what is this?"

    "Oh, it's a paralyzing liquid, which can make monsters temporarily paralyzed. I think the two of us are not sure how to deal with so many waste insects, so we bought this." This thing is very expensive, a bottle costs two hundred spirit stones!

    Originally, Liu Mufeng had embezzled 250 spirit stones before, and after subtracting the 200 yuan for cultivation during this period, there were still 200 yuan left. He sold the carriage to earn 450 spirit stones, and sold the spirit grass to earn 100 yuan. One hundred and fifty spirit stones, three strokes of spirit stones added together, there are also eight hundred spirit stones. However, after buying the four things he needed, there was not a single piece of the eight hundred spirit stones left. Now, in his interspatial ring, there are only the eighty-five spirit stones that Jiang Xu helped him get back.

    "Well, with this, it will be easier!" Nodding, Jiang Xu agreed.

    Putting down the bottle of paralysis solution, Jiang Xu picked up the animal trap Liu Mufeng bought and looked at it carefully. "This net is very ordinary!"

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled wryly. "Yeah, this is the cheapest one, one hundred spirit stones per piece." Liu Mufeng was a bit reluctant to buy just this one! It's really a spirit stone that stumps a hero!

    "Oh!" Knowing that Mu Feng was in short supply, Jiang Xu didn't say much. He put down the trap, and his eyes fell on a red porcelain bottle on the table. "What is this?"

    "This is dust-cleaning liquid, which is used to help monsters get rid of blood magazines, purify and purify their blood." This is the most expensive. It cost Liu Mufeng four hundred spirit stones, and even Liu Mufeng's flesh hurts. . But thinking of his plan to transform his spiritual roots, he could only reluctantly buy such a bottle of spiritual liquid. 

    "You want to purify the blood of the waste worms? I'm afraid this won't work, the level is too low. It's better to be a third-level blood purification pill. However, if you spend so much effort to cultivate the waste worms, why not contract other monsters? !" Each of the third-level elixirs is priceless, and they cannot be bought in the market at all, so they must be bought at the auction. Moreover, the price is also extremely expensive.

     Jiang Xu felt that there was no need to cultivate a group of waste bugs who would never be able to advance to the spirit realm.

    "Return the waste worm's contract first, and let's talk about the pill later!" The most urgent task now is to transform one's spiritual root, first transform the spiritual root, and then find a way to help the waste worm to improve its bloodline.

    "Then, when are we going to the jungle?"

    "Let's go in ten days, your injury has just healed, you should take good care of it, I bought chicken, and I will make chicken soup for you at night!" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng said talking.

    "It's okay, I won't be so delicate after ten days. My injuries are all healed." After waving his hand, Jiang Xu said disapprovingly.

    "Don't be brave, take good care of your body at home. Besides, I also want to plant golden-striped grass. Without ten days, golden-striped grass can't mature." Golden-striped grass is a first-level spiritual grass. Therefore, Liu Mufeng decided not to ripen the gladiolus grass in the spiritual field for the time being, but to ripen the golden-striped grass three times a day in the yard of his home, so that the golden-striped grass matures as soon as possible, so that he can catch waste bugs.

    "What is the Golden Grass used for? Is it related to waste bugs?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "Golden grass is one of the foods that waste bugs like to eat. I plan to start planting golden grass in the yard tomorrow. When the golden grass matures, we brought back the contract of waste bugs, and they will have something to eat. Otherwise, wait until the golden grass is mature. After the contract comes back, I can only go hungry. In addition, I also want to find the uncle carpenter in the village to make me a beehive to raise waste insects. These things will take time. It won’t be finished in a while." Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng was also very helpless.

    "Don't be a beehive, I have a animal bag here!" With that, Jiang Xu took out a animal bag and handed it to Liu Mufeng.

    "It's okay, I'll just make a wooden box. You can keep the animal bag!" Liu Mufeng went to the trading company to ask about the animal bag. A first-class animal bag costs three thousand spirit stones, which is very expensive. !

    "You take it, it's not mine, it's that Boss Xue's. I killed his animal pet. It's useless to keep this bag! I have my own animal bag, which is better than his!" He said, Jiang Xu pointed to his animal bag. He bred a six-star spirit horse in the Mortal Realm, which was his mount.

    "Okay, I'll use it first, and I'll return it to you when I have the spirit stone." After thinking about it, Liu Mufeng accepted the animal bag.

    "You don't need to return it, I gave it to you!" Jiang Xu didn't use the animal bag himself, at most he sold it when he had no spirit stones. However, second-hand animal bags can't buy a few spirit stones.

    Hearing what Jiang Xu said, Liu Mufeng smiled and didn't argue any more. Instead, he silently remembered Jiang Xu's kindness. "Thank you!"

    "You're welcome, we are friends!" After spending more than half a month together, Jiang Xu already regarded Liu Mufeng as his friend.

    "Yeah!" Seeing the faint smile on Jiang Xu's face, Liu Mufeng also smiled.

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