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    Hearing that somewhat familiar voice, Liu Mufeng touched his face unconsciously, and said to himself: It's a good thing I've changed my face, otherwise it would be troublesome!

    Turning around, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu looked at the visitor. Then I saw that it was not someone else. It was Liu Mufeng's first cousin - Liu Cheng, and fourth cousin - Liu Zhen'er. There are also the fifth cousin-Liu Wan'er, and the fifth cousin's husband-Qiao Xiang, a group of four.

    Seeing these four people, Liu Mufeng twitched the corners of his mouth. Suddenly, he remembered that Liu Wan'er, the fifth cousin of the original owner, married Qiao Xiang, the third son of the town owner of Sixi Town. So, the eldest brother and fourth sister are here to visit relatives? Or did you come to Sixi Town for other things?

    "The spirit grass was the one we took a fancy to first!" Looking at Liu Zhen'er, Jiang Xu said unhappily.

    Hearing this, Liu Zhen'er snorted coldly. "Hmph, do you know who I am? You dare to talk to me like that, and I tell you, I am..." "

    My fellow Taoist, I'm really sorry, my fourth sister just contracted a beast pet and urgently needs it." Limegrass, I wonder if fellow daoists can give it up?" Qiao Xiang said politely as he stepped forward.

    Hearing Qiao Xiang's words, the faces of the three brothers and sisters of the Liu family turned pale. Qiao Xiang has the strength of the second star in the spirit realm, so the person he can call a friend must also be a monk in the spirit realm. So, are they fighting for the spirit herb with a spirit person?

    "This..." Turning his head to the side, Jiang Xu looked downcastly at Liu Mufeng who had been silent beside him.

    "Forget it, cousin, let's go!" Pulling Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng hurriedly left with the people. He didn't want to be recognized by the original owner's cousins. If he was recognized, it would be troublesome Well, he is now the strength of the seven stars in the spiritual mortal realm, if he is recognized by others, he will definitely arouse suspicion.

    "Oh!" Hearing Liu Mufeng calling his cousin, Jiang Xu was taken aback, but still followed him.

    "Third Young Master, Third Young Master's Madam. Two Senior Liu!" Bending down, the shopping guide nun hurriedly saluted.

    "You don't need to be too polite, put this lime grass on my account!" Qiao Xiang stretched out his hand to take the spirit grass.

    "Yes, Third Young Master!" Responding, the nun watched the four of them leave the consignment shop respectfully, and said in her heart: It's really unlucky, if this spirit grass is sold, she can also get a share, but now, unexpectedly, the three of them left the consignment shop. less to take away.

    After leaving the consignment shop, the group of four went to the opposite restaurant, asked for a private room, and chatted while eating.

    "Fourth sister, you are too reckless, you don't even know their strength, how dare you compete with them for spiritual herbs?" Looking at Liu Zhen'er, Liu Cheng reprimanded him unhappily.

    "I, I didn't expect him to be in the realm of spirits!" The monk looked younger than himself, with an ordinary appearance, so he didn't look like a monk in the realm of spirits?

    "Brother, don't blame Fourth Sister, it's not a big deal!" Waving his hand, Qiao Xiang smiled and helped Liu Zhen'er out of the siege.

    "Brother-in-law, it's a good thing you have sharp eyes, otherwise we will get into trouble this time!" Speaking of this, Liu Cheng glanced at Qiao Xiang gratefully. Qiao Xiang is the son of the town lord of Sixi Town. He is handsome, powerful, and of good family background. The fifth son also spent a lot of effort to successfully become Qiao Xiang's official wife! It would be great if the fourth child had half the wrist of the fifth child and could find such a powerful in-law for the family.

    "Brother is too generous. The other party is just showing face to his father!" In Sixi Town, everyone will more or less give him three points. However, if you change to other places, it will not work. Let's just say, the temper of this cousin Zhen'er is really unflattering!

    "Fifth Sister, what are you thinking?" Liu Cheng asked curiously, looking at the thoughtful younger sister sitting beside Qiao Xiang.

    "Brother, I think the back of the two people I met at the consignment shop just now looks a bit like our ninth brother!" Speaking of this, Liu Wan'er narrowed her eyes. In fact, not only the back, but also the voice is very similar. picture. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party had a monk in the spirit realm, she would have wanted to ask.

    "Small, ninth brother? How is it possible? He is practicing in the family? Why did he come here?" Opening her mouth, Liu Zhen'er just wanted to say little waste, but thinking of Qiao Xiang here, she swallowed it back.

    "That's right, the ninth brother cultivates very hard, and often retreats in the family, so he probably won't come to Sixi Town." Where is that little waste in Zhangjia Village? How could it be here? Fifth Sister must be delusional.

    "Well, that's true!" Nodding, Liu Wan'er agreed. I thought: Big brother and fourth sister really think she doesn't know? My mother told me in all the letters that my uncle had long ago driven him to a poor village, so how could he still be in the family?

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