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    During the day, he already had a clear understanding of the situation of the consignment shop. So, at midnight, Jiang Xu disguised himself as an old man, and sent all the pills to the consignment shop smoothly.

    Liu Mufeng had been waiting in the alley. When Jiang Xu came out, the two immediately took out the demon horse and left Sixi Town without stopping.

    Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu who left Sixi Town did not know that their consignment behavior caused an uproar in Sixi Town. Even the town owner and several big families in the town were shocked.


    In the town lord’s mansion the next day,

    brothers Qiao Fei and Qiao Xiang were shocked when they saw the bottles of pills on the table.

    "Father, what are these?" Looking at his father, Qiao Fei asked in astonishment.

    "This is the elixir that someone consigned at our consignment shop last night. There are a total of 130 elixir!" Looking at the two sons, the town owner said so.

    "One hundred and thirty? So many?" Hearing this number, Qiao Fei was even more shocked.

    "Father, do you know who consigned it?" Looking at his father, Qiao Xiang asked suspiciously.

    "It is said that he is an alchemist in the spirit master realm, wearing a black cloak that covers most of his face. The manager of the consignment shop said that he must be old when he saw his beard and gray!" His manager was only in the spirit realm, and he didn't dare to offend the other party, so he didn't see the other party's appearance clearly.

    "Could it be a hidden alchemist?" After thinking about it, Qiao Fei thought it might be a hidden alchemist.

    "Shouldn't it. If an alchemist doesn't have a big force to support him, he can't become an alchemist? Thinking about it, this person should have secretly taken out the elixir he treasured. Or, he obtained it through other channels Not necessarily the pill!" After thinking about it, Qiao Xiang said.

    "Father, did you send someone to find this senior? Since the other party has come to Sixi Town, we should invite him to make friends!" After thinking for a while, Qiao Fei said.

    "Well, after your elder brother got the news, he took people to the inn in the city early in the morning to find the whereabouts of this fellow daoist. However, I think this fellow daoist has probably left long ago. He should not be in the town anymore. !" The town owner felt that since the other party didn't want to show up, they probably wouldn't stay in the town and be found by them.

    "Yes!" Nodding, Qiao Fei agreed.

    Stepping over, Qiao Xiang opened the pill bottle and checked the pills. "Father, there are thirteen second-grade low-grade pills!"

    "Yes, the other pills are all first-grade rejuvenation pills and Huili pills, which are very common, but there are thirteen second-grade pills mixed in it Son, this is indeed a little strange!"

    "I think, that senior probably just came into contact with second-level pills, otherwise, the second-level pills wouldn't be refined so poorly that they would be low-grade!" Qiao Fei thought it was because The other party has just started to get in touch with the second-level elixir, so they can refine such a elixir.

    "But the problem is that the Rejuvenation Pill and Huili Pill he refined are both low-grade and middle-grade, not high-grade. This seems a bit weird!" If the other party is a second-level alchemist, the first-level pill should not be refined It's so bad, at least some high-grade pills should be refined!

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