6.Genius and scrap .

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    According to the memory of the original owner, Liu Mufeng found the only bookstore in Shuangyang Town. Because it was morning, the bookstore had just opened, the boy was cleaning, and the boss had just walked out of the backyard.

    "Yo, Young Master Ninth, you're here!" Seeing Liu Mufeng walk in, the boss immediately greeted him with a smile.

    "Boss, I have a business I want to talk to you about, how about we go to the back and talk about it?" Looking at the big belly boss, Liu Mufeng said with a smile.

    "Okay, Young Master Jiu, please!" With a smile on his face, the boss enthusiastically invited Liu Mufeng to a lounge at the back.

    It stands to reason that the original owner rarely went out when he was in Liu's house, so not many people knew him. However, there are always two kinds of people who are particularly famous in the cultivation world. The first type of person is a genius, the kind of genius who is destined to crush others from birth. Even if this kind of person doesn't go out every day, he will still be known by others, just like the original owner's second cousin Liu Muyan, he is the first genius in Shuangyang Town, Shanmu Linggen, who went to Lingwu Continent when he was six years old The first sect - Lingwuzong, is the pride of everyone in the Liu family.

    There is another kind of people who are also easy to become famous, that is, waste materials, especially the waste materials of big families. This kind of person is obviously very talented, but he is very good at reincarnation. If he is reborn in a big family, he is born with great resources to cultivate. This kind of person is the moth of the big family, and also the existence that all commoner monks envy and hate. It is also an existence that can be known to everyone without going out. The original owner is a typical waste material. A young master who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, and a moth of a big family who occupies the latrine and does not shit.

    Because of the name of the original owner's five spirit root waste material, the original owner is also a celebrity in Shuangyang Town. It's just that when others mention him, they always look regretful or jealous. Some commoner monks would even say indignantly, how could such a poor talent be reincarnated so easily? If I was reincarnated into a big family like the Liu family, I would definitely be better than this trash!

    When he came to the lounge, Liu Mufeng sat on a chair and looked around the lounge. I found out that this room is not big, only a table and two chairs.

    "Jiu Shao, do you have any business to discuss with me?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, the boss asked with a smile.

    "Boss, how many books do you have in this bookstore?" Looking at the bookstore owner, Liu Mufeng asked.

    "Oh, not much, just over a thousand copies." Speaking of this, the boss smiled modestly.

    "A thousand books, what kind of books are they?" Staring at the bookstore owner, Liu Mufeng asked again.

    "Ah, the books I have here are all idle books. The first category is history books, which introduce the history of Lingwu Continent for many years. It tells the success history of many great people and many strange things. The second category is geography. The books are about the customs and geographical locations of various places. The third category is books introducing monsters and beasts in the Lingwu Continent. The fourth category is books introducing some spiritual herbs and poisonous herbs. The first two categories of books are a Two taels of silver a book, and the following two books are ten taels of silver a book." Watching boss Liu Mufeng carefully introduce the books in his shop.

    "Boss, there are too many books in your store, and it's difficult for me to buy them. Look, can I rent books to read?" Looking at the boss, Liu Mufeng asked.

    "Renting books? What's the renting method?" After selling books for half his life, this is the first time the boss meets a customer who wants to rent books from him.

    "In this way, I will read the book here, and I will give you a tael of silver for five days. I promise that I will not damage or dirty your book. After I finish reading it, your book can still be sold! What do you think? Looking at the boss, Liu Mufeng asked.

    Hearing this, the boss touched his chin. "This..."

    "Boss, don't worry, I will never damage your book, you can still sell it after I finish reading it, and you'll just pick it up for nothing with my money!" Looking at the bookstore Boss, Liu Mufeng tried his best to persuade the other party.

    "Well, that's fine. Since Young Master Jiu has asked, I will rent the book according to you. However, it will cost one tael a day." After thinking about it, the owner of the bookstore immediately raised the price.

    Hearing what the boss said, Liu Mufeng nodded. "Yes, but I also have a small request. I want this lounge to read books. In addition, the boss, please change these two chairs into a wooden bed. I will spend the night here!" Liu Mufeng knew that if he went to the inn by himself , it still costs an extra sum of money, why not just live here.

    "Okay, that's easy to talk about. I'll get a bed for Jiu Shao in a while. However, Jiu Shao has to take care of the food himself!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, the boss readily agreed to the other party's request.

    "Okay, this is a piece of spirit stone. I will prepay the rental fee for one hundred days!" Liu Mufeng knew that it is impossible to read a thousand books in less than three months, so he directly gave the other party a piece Lingshi.

    "Okay, okay, Young Master Jiu is really a cheerful person!" Seeing Lingshi, the boss smiled from ear to ear. Holding the spirit stone, I went to find a single bed for Liu Mufeng.

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