36.Sixi Town

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    After deciding to raise fish, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu stayed in the fishing village for three more days. After spending some spiritual stones, Liu Mufeng bought 500 freshwater fish and 100 barrels of aquatic plants. Throw all the fish and aquatic plants into the Lingshui Hu. Anyway, spiritual water can nourish plants, aquatic plants do not need to be planted, they can grow naturally after entering the spiritual water lake, let alone fish, spiritual water lake is much better than the big lake they lived in before! After entering the Lingshui Lake, the fish all swam happily.

    After putting the fish into the space, Liu Mufeng also put a group of Xiaoyuan's subordinates into the space of the bracelet. In this way, when they are hungry, they can go fishing in the lake by themselves. The original spirit insects are descendants of the five spirit insects, so their water quality is very good, Liu Mufeng is not worried about this at all.

    Liu Mufeng looked out of the window of the wooden house, and found that Xiao Yuan was lying on the table to absorb his spiritual roots. Liu Mufeng left the space directly without disturbing the other party.

    After leaving the fishing village, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu came to Sixi Town. Sixi Town is about the same size as Shuangyang Town. They are all third-tier small cities. The town lord in the town only has the cultivation level of a spiritual master.

    The two first found an inn in the town and stayed there. Start shopping the next day. Jiang Xu sold most of his trophies and replaced it with a second-level magic sword. He is already in the spirit realm, and using a level-one magic sword is not enough.

    Liu Mufeng originally wanted to sell a magic weapon, but he only had two thousand spirit stones and was not willing to sell the magic weapon. Jiang Xu gave him a second-hand first-class magic knife. Liu Mufeng changed his appearance with Jiang Xu, and went to several porcelain shops in the town to buy more than 100,000 pill bottles. This is a common item, Liu Mufeng thought that since they were leaving tomorrow, it would be better to buy more, so that they would not have to buy it frequently in the future.

    After buying the pill bottle, Liu Mufeng spent four hundred spirit stones to buy a demon horse, bought some ingredients and some first-class spirit grass seeds that he didn't have.

    At noon, the two went to the restaurant for lunch together.

    Picking a seat on the first floor by the window, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu ordered six dishes and one soup, chatting while eating.

    "The consignment shop in Sixi Town is opposite, we can go and have a look after dinner later!" As he said, Jiang Xu pouted at the man beside him.

    Following the other party's line of sight, Liu Mufeng saw the three-story consignment shop opposite. "It looks huge!"

    "Well, this kind of consignment shop should be the private property of the town owner, the only one in the town." Most of the most profitable businesses in each city are run by the city owner. There should be no exception here.

    "Oh!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng expressed his understanding. Xin said: This place is really good. In modern society, being an official is not allowed to do business, but in Lingwu Continent, the bigger the official, the bigger the shop. The city lords and town lords of every city are very rich!

    Glancing at the man across from him, Jiang Xu took out three first-level explosive symbols and sent them to Liu Mufeng. "Mu Feng, this is for you!"

    "No, no need, you keep it for yourself!" Before, when Xiao Xu was buying the talisman, he saw it, and he saw that Xiao Xu spent 30,000 spirit stones to buy a pair of talismans. He spent 20,000 spirit stones to buy several talismans.

    "No, this is a first-class one. I bought it specially for you. Happy birthday!" At the end, Jiang Xu smiled uncomfortably.

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng was stunned for a moment, then realized, yes, today is the original owner's fourteenth birthday! Xiao Xu didn't say it, but he forgot. "Oh, it's just a birthday, why did you buy a special gift? Besides, you gave me a magic weapon just now!" Although the knife was second-hand, it was the carriage driver. Boss Xue's, the material is very good. If you go to the magic weapon store to buy flowers, at least 8000 spirit stones are needed, and you have already accepted a gift, and Liu Mufeng will feel a little embarrassed if you accept it again.

    "No, this is a gift, that doesn't count!" Looking at the person opposite, Jiang Xu said seriously.

    "Okay, thank you!" Seeing Jiang Xu's insistence, Liu Mufeng accepted the gift. I thought to myself: The birthday present in the realm of comprehension is really special, it is actually a magic talisman.

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