13.Promise to help.

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    A few days later,

    under Liu Mufeng's meticulous care, Jiang Xu's injury got better day by day. He has become the former formidable master again, but when he speaks, he is no longer as cold and rigid as before.

    At the breakfast table, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu sat and ate together.

    Eating the delicious food in the bowl, Jiang Xu felt a little reluctant to leave here. He felt that even if he went to a big restaurant, he might not be able to find a spiritual chef as skilled as Liu Mufeng. However, he lived here, and Liu Mufeng slept on the ground, so he felt that it was a bit enjoyable. In the past, it was because the injury was too serious to leave, but now, the injury is healed, and it is not good to stay at other people's house!

    "Liu Mufeng, this is for you!" After eating, Jiang Xu took out a space ring and handed it to Liu Mufeng.

    Lowering his head, Liu Mufeng glanced at the ring on the table, and found that there were five thousand spirit stones inside. Five thousand spirit stones is already an astronomical figure for Liu Mufeng, who is now so poor that he can hardly get rid of it. However, Liu Mufeng does not want this spirit stone. Because he knew that Jiang Xu gave him the spirit stone because he planned to leave.

    Staring at the interspatial ring on the table, Liu Mufeng looked at it for a long time. Frowning and frowning, he raised his head and looked at the person opposite. "You want to leave?"

    "Well, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. I have lived in your house for so long, so I should go." Jiang Xu is not the kind of person who has no skin or face, he doesn't want to wait for his master Give the order to evict guests, and then leave by yourself.

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng nodded. "Okay, then I'll take you to town?"

    "No, I have a demon horse myself, so I'll leave that carriage to you. It's more convenient if you have a carriage to go to town!" "

    Well, thank you, I'll take the carriage But, I can't take this!" After speaking, Liu Mufeng returned the interspatial ring to the other party.

    "Why? You helped me entangle those people, and you took me in and took care of me. This is what you deserve." Looking at the man opposite, Jiang Xu asked puzzled.

    "I entangle those people with weeds to save their lives. I take care of you, and I am willing to treat you well. It is not for your spirit stone. Besides, you are a double, running around all day as a bounty hunter. It's not easy, how can I want your spirit stone?" After the villain was kicked out by the family, his life was not at all satisfactory. Liu Mufeng knew all of this.

    "Mu Feng..."

    "I don't want Lingshi. However, if you really want to repay me, you can do one thing for me. After you help me, you will feel better. This way you won't feel indebted to me." Looking at the person opposite, Liu Mufeng explained seriously.

    "You? You want me to teach the Liu family a lesson for you?" Jiang Xu raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

    "No, those people are insignificant people in my eyes, there is no need to pay attention to them." It's just a group of strangers.

    "Then, what is that?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked curiously.

    "I want to contract a beast pet, but you know my strength. So, I want you to help me!" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng said helplessly. If he went to contract the original spirit worm by himself, he might be bitten to death by the worm. However, it would be different with Jiang Xu's help. This is bound to happen.

    "Contract beast pet? Then what kind of monster do you plan to contract?" Jiang Xu became interested when it came to beast pet.

    "I plan to contract an insect king of the original spirit insect." The original spirit insect is a herd animal, and the queen's blood is the highest, so Liu Mufeng intends to contract an insect king.

    "What kind of insect is the original spirit insect? Haven't you heard of it?" Jiang Xu scratched his head and asked in puzzlement.

    "Original spirit worms are commonly known as waste worms, waste worms that will never be able to advance to the spirit realm." Few people may know the origin of spirit worms, but when it comes to waste worms, there is probably no one in the Lingwu Continent who does not know.

    "What? Trash worm? You, how can you contract a trash worm? That worm will never be able to advance to the spirit realm, like five..." Halfway through the sentence, Jiang Xu hurriedly stopped talking. "I, I didn't mean that, I didn't mean you." "     I understand that waste worms can't advance to the spirit realm in their entire lives, just like me with five spiritual roots. There is no need for my aptitude." Contracting monsters with very good aptitude. Trash worms live in groups. If I contract a worm king, it is equivalent to contracting a group of monsters. In this way, I will not be bullied when I go out in the future." In fact, Liu Mufeng felt that trash Worms are very good, not only can help him solve the spiritual root problem, but also help him fight against the enemy.

     "How about I help you contract a golden-striped tiger cub?" After thinking about it, Jiang Xu felt that the golden-striped tiger was more powerful.     "No, I have to contract the waste worm, the waste worm is of great use to me!" He wanted to contract the waste worm to solve the spiritual root problem, not just for the beast pet.     "Oh, then, that's fine. Let's go now, to the jungle in the back mountain. Waste bugs are more common, so you should be able to find them in the jungle here!" Jiang Xu said, going to catch the bugs.  

   "Don't worry, I'll go to the town today to buy all the things I need. We'll go when we're ready. There are at least two or three hundred worms in a litter. If we don't prepare properly, we may not be able to succeed at once." Either don't do it, do it and it will be a success.

     Hearing this, Jiang Xu thought about it. "Well, yes, then you should prepare! Will it take several days?"     Hearing Jiang Xu's question, Liu Mufeng frowned. "If you are in a hurry to leave, then I..."

     "No, no, I'm not in a hurry to leave, but you only have one bed at home. You have been sleeping on the floor for several days." Speaking of this, Jiang Xu felt a little embarrassed . 

    "It's okay, I'll go to town and buy another bed later. Do you want to go with me?" Looking at the person opposite, Liu Mufeng asked.

     "No need, I'm practicing sword at home, you go!"  

   "Yeah!" Nodding, Liu Mufeng took another look at the other party, then got up and left.

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