78.Encounter with Dong Feipeng.

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One month later... (the secret realm opened seven months and three days ago)

Liu Mufeng and his party were walking on the road looking for opportunities when they met a group of monks wearing Lingwu Sect costumes. There are thirteen people on the other side. The leader is a monk with nine stars in the spirit realm. However, this monk is different from the ordinary nine stars in the spirit realm. His blood is more vigorous and his spiritual power is stronger. It doesn't look like the Nine Stars of the Spiritual Master Realm, but it looks like a monk in the Spiritual Master Realm. Come to think of it, he is already a monk who has half-stepped into the spiritual master realm.

"Senior Brother Dong, Senior Brother Zhang, fellow junior brothers!" Seeing the people coming, Wang Feng immediately walked up to greet everyone.

"Oh, it turns out they are the three Junior Brothers Wang, Junior Brother and Junior Sister Zhang!" Seeing the three brothers from the Wang family and the Zhang family brothers and sisters, Dong Feipeng stopped and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Senior Brother Dong!" Lowering their heads, the Wang family and the Zhang family also greeted him immediately.

He looked Dong Feipeng up and down, looking at the red spots on the whites of his eyes and his dull complexion. Liu Mufeng raised his eyebrows. "Is this fellow Taoist poisoned?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Liu Mufeng. Even the three brothers from the Wang family and the Zhang family's eyes fell on him in surprise and confusion.

Looking at the young and handsome young man in front of him. Dong Feipeng smiled. "Fellow Taoist, have you noticed?"

"Yes, judging from your face, you must have been poisoned before, but your strength is very high, at the half-step spiritual master level. So, you forced part of the poisonous gas out of your body, you You should also take antidote pills and other elixirs. Therefore, 70% of your poisonous gas is forced out of the body, and only 30% remains in the body. However, don't underestimate the 30% of the remaining poisonous gas, which will block your meridians. The difficulty in absorbing spirit stones accumulates over time. If it is not eliminated, your cultivation will become more and more difficult. If you cannot detoxify, you will only be a spiritual realm monk in this life! "Looking at the other party, Liu Mufeng! be honest.

"You? You are so presumptuous. Do you know who my senior brother is? How dare you talk to my senior brother like this?" Zhang Meng, who was standing next to Dong Feipeng and glared at Liu Mufeng, roared unhappily.

"Just telling the truth!" Glancing at Zhang Meng, Liu Mufeng couldn't help but frown, and it suddenly became clear in his heart.

"Zhang Meng!" Raising his hand, Dong Feipeng stopped Zhang Meng from continuing. Then he turned to look at Liu Mufeng. "Is this fellow Taoist a doctor?"

"No, I'm not. I just read fifty-eight medical books. I haven't treated anyone else. You are the first." Looking at Dong Feipeng, Liu Mufeng still told the truth Tell the truth. When he was in Black Dragon City before, he had seen some medical books in a small bookstore. Those medical books were ordered by a doctor. However, the doctor was away from home, so it was stored in the bookstore for three days. Liu Mufeng gave the boss five spiritual stones and spent three days reading all the medical books.

After receiving such an answer, Dong Feipeng smiled. "This fellow Taoist is honest!"

"To be honest, I don't like to lie!"

"I am Dong Feipeng, the great disciple of Lingwu Sect's martial arts academy. I don't know how to call this fellow Taoist?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Dong Feipeng He solemnly introduced himself.

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