93.Elixir shop

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Five years later, (the time in the secret realm is six years, seven months and eleven days.)

Jiang Xu was overjoyed when he saw his lover finally coming out of seclusion after half a year. "Mufeng, you're out of seclusion!"

"Well, you're out of seclusion!" For Jiang Xu, he had been in seclusion for half a year. However, for Liu Mufeng, he had stayed in the space bracelet for five full years!

"I've advanced to one star in the Spiritual Master Realm. That's great!" Seeing that his lover had finally advanced to the Spiritual Master Realm, Jiang Xu was very happy for his lover.

Hearing this, Liu Mufeng smiled bitterly. "It's two stars worse than you!"

"It doesn't matter. Didn't I agree that I will protect you?" Jiang Xu said with a smile.

"I miss you so much!" Liu Mufeng hugged his lover's waist and gave him a passionate kiss.

"Mu Feng!" Jiang Xu hugged his lover's neck and called softly, leaning on the man's arms.

With a wave of his hand, Liu Mufeng directly put all the golden spirit insects mining in the mine into his space bracelet, hugged his wife, and had a good intimacy in the mine.

The two people reunited after a long absence. After three days of tossing, they finally stopped.

"I've been in seclusion for half a year. Nothing happened, right?" Liu Mufeng asked softly, holding his lover in his arms.

"It's okay, no monsters came. I drove away a few monks who came." Shaking his head, Jiang Xu said it was okay.

"Well, it's okay!" Liu Mufeng lowered his head and kissed his lover's cheek gently.

"Mu Feng, there are fewer and fewer spiritual stones in the ground here. We can dig out a few spiritual stones every day. I haven't dug up a middle-grade spiritual stone for three months!" Jiang Xu was very depressed when he mentioned this. He remembered that when he started digging for spiritual stones, he and Mu Feng would often find mid-grade spiritual stones. But now, all those dug are low-grade spiritual stones, and there are very few middle-grade spiritual stones.

"We have been digging for five years. Even if there are more spiritual stones stored underground, they can't withstand our digging! I think there shouldn't be many spiritual stones left in this mine." Liu Mufeng thought for a while, he remembered It seems that the male protagonist and the female protagonist have been digging for five years. It is estimated that they have dug up almost all the spiritual stones in this mountain. Although he was absent for half a year, Xiaoyuan and a group of guys helped him. Their speed should be much faster than that of the male and female protagonists.

"That's it!" Jiang Xu was a little disappointed when he heard that the spirit stone had been hollowed out.

"It's okay, there are no more spirit stones. We can leave here and find other opportunities!" Looking at his lover, Liu Mufeng comforted him with a smile.

"However, we have been in the secret realm for more than six years. I think many of the opportunities should have been taken away by others long ago!" Jiang Xu sighed softly at the thought. Although you can’t have your cake and eat it too, who would object to having so many opportunities?

"Don't be afraid. If we can't find a good opportunity, we will sell elixirs and cleanse spiritual roots, and let others obediently give us all the good things they find!" Liu Mufeng smiled when he said this. There are not many alchemists in the Lingwu Continent, and those who can become a third-level alchemist under the age of fifty are even rarer. It is estimated that there are only two third-level alchemists in the entire secret realm, himself and the heroine. Now the heroine is dead. He is the only third-level alchemist. Is he still worried about not being able to exchange for spiritual treasures?

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