56.Getting married.

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    The next day,

    after two days of preparation, it was still a bit hasty, but Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu had already turned their hut into a love nest. Red happy characters are pasted on the windows, and a pair of red lanterns are hung at the door. The room was decorated with a lot of scarlet silks and satins, scarlet brocade quilts, scarlet curtains, and the identical scarlet wedding gowns that the two of them were wearing, making it look extraordinarily festive.

    Although there is no guest, no guard of honor, no bright red sedan chair, and not too much red tape. However, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu were sitting side by side, holding hands, on the wedding bed, both very happy.

    "Are you full?" Liu Mufeng asked with a smile as he turned his head and looked at his little daughter-in-law.

    "Well, the sesame cakes are very sweet and delicious!" Speaking of this, Jiang Xu smiled.

    "Actually, I think you are sweeter than sesame cakes!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng gently leaned over and tentatively kissed his lover's lips.

    "Mu Feng!" Blinking his eyes shyly, Jiang Xu blushed.

    "Xiao Xu, you smell so sweet and sweet!" Sticking to Jiang Xu's neck, Liu Mufeng sniffed the faint body fragrance of his lover.

    "Both have body fragrance, but it will disappear after breaking the body. In the future, there will be no such smell." Speaking of this, Jiang Xu frowned. He knew that Mu Feng had always liked the scent on his body, but if they got married, then maybe there would be no deodorant in the future!

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng was stunned. "So it's like this, that's pretty good. Without this smell, it will be safer for you to hunt monsters in the future, otherwise you will easily attract monsters with the scent on your body." There are many dangers in the secret realm, without this Body fragrance is better for Xiaoxu.

    "Well, that's true. Sometimes I go out to hunt monsters. You don't have to look for them, they can find me!" This matter is indeed a bit troublesome.

    "Then, we don't want this deodorant!" As he spoke, Liu Mufeng directly pushed him down on the bed.

    "Mu Feng..." Looking at the face of the man who was close at hand, Jiang Xu softly called his lover's name.

    "Don't be nervous, leave it to me?" Gently kissing his lover's lips, Liu Mufeng softly comforted the person under him.

    "No, I'm not nervous. Because it's you, I'm not afraid or nervous." Jiang Xu said in a low voice, staring at his partner obsessively. He knew that Shuang's first time was difficult, but he believed in Mu Feng, and believed that his Mu Feng would not make him too hard.

    "Xiao Xu..." whispering softly, Liu Mufeng kissed his lover's lips again...


    next day, Liu Mufeng and Jiang Xu didn't wake up until the sun was three poles high.

    "Morning!" Looking at the person in his arms, Liu Mufeng said softly. Pour a kiss on the face of your lover.

    "Morning!" Looking at his partner, the corners of Jiang Xu's mouth curved slightly. A sweet smile appeared.

    "How are you? Is there any discomfort?" Staring at the person in his arms, Liu Mufeng asked worriedly.

    Hearing the man's question, Jiang Xu blushed. "No, no!"

    "Why are you ashamed? I am your husband, and you are my husband. You have to tell me everything you want, understand?" Liu Mufeng said with a smile, staring at the daughter-in-law in his arms.

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