3.The Autumn wind.

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    The next day, Liu Mufeng got up early in the morning, left home early after having breakfast, and found the spiritual field that belonged to the original owner according to the memory of the original owner. The spiritual field and the simple adobe house were given by the family. The spiritual field is not big. It is impossible to make a fortune relying on such a small piece of spiritual land, but it is more than enough to rely on the craftsmanship of planting spiritual grass to make a living. This is the self-survival policy of the big family to increase income and reduce expenditure.

    Many children from families with poor qualifications will be devastated after being assigned, some will be decadent for the rest of their lives and become no different from ordinary people in the end, some will directly marry an ordinary woman and live an ordinary life, and some will not be willing to leave family. Been trying to go back. A lifetime of wasting is in vain in the end.

    The original owner lost his parents when he was five years old, and he has an indomitable temperament. Therefore, even though he was dispatched to Zhangjia Village, he never gave up on himself. Instead, he has been diligently planting spiritual grass and practicing seriously. He is a very sensible young man!

    Liu Mufeng took a general look at his spiritual field, and he found that the gladioli grass in the field was about the same height as the gladioli grass in the yard, and they both looked like they had just emerged from the ground.

    Taking out the bucket and ladle from the interspatial ring, Liu Mufeng watered the spiritual grass seriously, and then performed another magic trick to accelerate the ripening, before leaving his spiritual field.

    "Hey, isn't this Young Master Nine? You came out to take care of Lingtian so early, you are such a diligent person!" As he spoke, a flamboyant man and a flamboyant woman blocked Liu Mufeng's way.

     Seeing the person coming, Liu Mufeng frowned. It was Zhang Ping and Zhang Cui brother and sister who came. The two siblings are twins and are thirteen years old. Both of them are two-star monks of the Spirit Mortal Realm with six spiritual roots. The older brother Zhang Ping is a gangster in the village, who has done all sorts of bad things by cheating, kidnapping, and younger sister Zhang Cui is the village flower of the village. With a pretty face, she often comes to ask the original owner to borrow spirit stones. 

    The original owner was the young master of a big family who had no deep experience in the world, and he had a deep admiration for Zhang Cui, so every time Zhang Cui used her lame reason to borrow spirit stones from the original owner, the original owner would lend it to the other party without saying a word. Come to think of it, the two brothers and sisters came here to find me, and nine times out of ten they came to fight the autumn wind.

    "Oh, so it's the two fellow Daoists Zhang, you came to check the fields so early!" Looking at the two brothers and sisters, Liu Mufeng smiled. Say hello to the siblings as usual. The original owner is the ninth cousin among the family's cousins, so everyone in the village calls the original owner Jiu Shao.

    "Brother Liu, my elder brother went to hunt monsters in the jungle and was seriously injured. The doctor said that if there is no medicine to save his life, then, then he will, just..." At the end, Zhang Cui's eyes were filled with tears. Turning around, she looked so pitiful with a tearful look, which was enough to arouse a man's desire for protection in an instant.

    "Ah? Brother Zhang is so seriously injured? Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you go to the town to buy medicine for Brother Zhang?" Looking at the Zhang family brothers and sisters, Liu Mufeng pretended to be surprised.

     "Brother Liu, our family doesn't have so many spirit stones. My second brother and I have already gone to several houses, but we haven't borrowed any spirit stones yet!" Zhang Cui's eyes turned even redder when he said this.     "That's it, then you go to the village chief to find a solution! Maybe the village chief has a solution?" Looking at the two brothers and sisters, Liu Mufeng kindly helped them to come up with an idea.

     Hearing this, Zhang Cui's expression twisted for an instant. Zhang Cui thought: Did Liu Mufeng take the wrong medicine? Shouldn't he have taken the initiative to lend me the spirit stone? In the past, he would lend me the spirit stone as long as he said he was in trouble at home. What's the matter now? Why did you still take Joe? 

    Seeing that Liu Mufeng didn't intend to take the initiative to borrow the spirit stone, Zhang Ping sighed. "Jiu Shao, my elder brother is anxiously waiting for the spirit stone to save his life? You see, you are a genius spirit planter in our village, so please show kindness and lend us some spirit stones!     " Give me some spirit stones, and buy some pills for my elder brother!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Zhang Cui begged pitifully. 

    Hearing this, Liu Mufeng rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, he really came to fight Qiufeng! 

    "Oh, what a coincidence, fellow Daoist Zhang. A few days ago, I went to the town to sell the spirit grass to earn some spirit stones. However, I met my big brother and my third cousin in the town, and invited them to go together I ate a meal in the restaurant. Therefore, all the spirit stones I earned have been spent!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng looked helpless.

    "What? It's all spent!" Hearing this, Zhang Ping's face was extremely gloomy.

    "That's right, the Dengyun Tower in the town is very expensive, it costs one hundred and fifty spirit stones for a meal!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng sighed again and again.

    "Brother Liu, you really don't have any spirit stones left?" Looking at Liu Muyan, Zhang Cui asked unwillingly.

    "No more, the spirit stones sold for spirit grass last month were all spent for a meal. Fellow Daoist Zhang, go to the village chief's house quickly, and don't delay brother Zhang's injury because of me!" Looking at Zhang Cui With that disappointed little face, Liu Mufeng urged with regret.

    "Well, then, my second brother and I will go to the village head's house to see if we can borrow spirit stones!" Nodding reluctantly, Zhang Cui left with his brother and sister Zhang Ping.

    Seeing the backs of the two brothers and sisters leaving, Liu Mufeng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Xin said: He is not the original owner, he is a fellow, he doesn't like soft girls like Zhang Cui, he only likes handsome guys. Therefore, Zhang Cui's tricks of deceiving people will not work for him at all!

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