43.Bigu pill

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    One month later, Liu Mufeng left the space, but Jiang Xu only spent three days here.

    "Mufeng, you're out of customs, how's the pill refining going?" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu asked with a smile.

    "Actually, it only took me ten days to refine sixty Rejuvenation Pills and sixty Huili Pills. In the remaining twenty days, I was refining Bigu Pills. But the refining was not enough. It went so smoothly, only ten low-grade Bigu Pills were refined!" Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng sighed softly. He left the space after destroying all the spiritual herbs in his hands that could refine Bigu Pill.

    Looking at Liu Mufeng who looked disappointed, Jiang Xu smiled. "It doesn't matter Mu Feng, you have just refined alchemy, and you can already refine three kinds of elixirs, which is already very remarkable. At worst, let's grow some more spiritual herbs. Next time, I will help you grow more spiritual herbs. Plant some spiritual herbs for refining Bigu Pill, then you can refine top-grade Bigu Pill!"

    Hearing what his lover said, Liu Mufeng laughed. "Okay!"

    "Give me the elixir. I'll take it to the elixir shop in the evening. I've made inquiries in the past few days. There is a big elixir shop in the south of the city. The prices for both spirit herbs and elixirs are very high!" Looking at Liu Mufeng, Jiang Xu said with a smile.

    "Aren't you going to consignment this time?" Looking at Jiang Xu, Liu Mufeng asked with a smile.

    "I won't go to the consignment sale anymore. The price of the consignment shop is too ruthless. Moreover, if you want to sell it on consignment, you have to apply for the spirit stone card of their consignment shop and transfer the spirit stone to us. I don't think it's safe. If the spirit stone card is stolen If we find out, we will be caught, so it’s better to go directly to a elixir shop, it’s safer to get spirit stones!”

    In fact, when Jiang Xu was in Sixi Town before, it was because of the matter of the spirit stone card that Jiang Xu didn’t consign. He sold all the pills directly to the consignment company, but the old bastard lowered the price. So, this time Jiang Xu didn't plan to find a consignment company.  

   Hearing this, Liu Mufeng nodded in agreement. "The spirit stone card can be used in all major shops in the Lingwu Continent, and you can also exchange it for spirit stones directly at the merchants. It seems very convenient, but it is not safe enough. You are right in thinking. We should directly take the spirit stones, not Count on the Lingshi card, because it is easy to be discovered by others."

    "Yeah, so going to the consignment shop is better than going to the elixir shop!"

    "But, I let you go every time, I..." Speaking of this, Liu Mufeng frowned deeply.

    "I'm stronger than you, of course I'm the one to go. Besides, I can disguise myself and ventriloquist, and I can imitate other people's voices. You don't have these skills. What if you go and be found out?" I'll go, you can meet me outside!" Jiang Xu felt that his strength was better than Mu Feng's, and his disguise technique was also better than Mu Feng's. The job of selling pills belongs to him. Besides, the pills were refined by Mu Feng, and Mu Feng kept all the top-grade pills for himself. The Lingshi Mufeng who sold the pills even gave him half, and he felt that he should contribute to the sale of pills.

    "Okay, I'll meet you outside the pill shop!" After thinking about it, Liu Mufeng accepted Jiang Xu's proposal. He also understood that his own strength and disguise skills were not good enough, so he was indeed not as suitable as Jiang Xu.

    Taking out the elixir, Liu Mufeng handed it to Jiang Xu. "Remember, you must protect yourself. When necessary, you don't have to take pills or spirit stones. But you must ensure your own safety." Looking at Liu Mufeng who was serious, Jiang Xu smiled

    . "Don't worry, the shopkeeper in that store is only a spiritual person, he is not my opponent. You, your pill is wrong? Isn't it one hundred and thirty pills? Why are there only one hundred pills?

    " I have kept the top-grade Rejuvenation Pill and Huili Pill. We keep them for our own use. The top-grade pills I have refined now are too few, so I just keep them when I encounter them, so that we don’t have any pills when we use them in the future!" Good stuff Of course you have to keep it for yourself.

    "Oh, I got it!" Nodding, Jiang Xu smiled. I thought: Mu Feng always likes to plan ahead, and what he thinks is that he is more thoughtful than himself. If he can’t wait to sell the top-grade pill, because the market price of a top-grade pill is 900 spirit stones, it can be sold for at least 800 Up to eight hundred and fifty Lingshi. It is more profitable than selling low-grade pills.

    In order to sell the elixir, Jiang Xu prepared for three days, the route, and the strength of the shopkeepers in the elixir shop, and how many people there are. Jiang Xu has already figured out the situation clearly. In addition, Jiang Xu's ingenious disguise technique and his ventriloquist ability to imitate the old man's speech. It can be said that it is very, very appropriate for Jiang Xu to do the job of selling pills.

    Everything went smoothly. After Jiang Xu sold the pill, he joined Liu Mufeng, and the two left Ping'an Town together.

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