Jiwoong x ZB1: {Obvious Liar} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  "Hyung, I want some of those waffles from earlier.." Yujin tells him as they walk through the parking lot behind Gyuvin and Gunwook. They were already speeding up, so they could go back to the members, but MadMaks only stayed behind, walking slowly.

  "Right now?"


  "Okay, let's go." Jiwoong takes his hand and quickly ducks, and he follows his Hyung, running with him to the waffle store, easily escaping the two members who didn't look back at them at all and just kept going. Ducking down behind an orange pillar to avoid being seen. It was easy to see them if they were in black suits. 

  Jiwoong spends the money, both splitting half. He gives the Maknae the last piece before they were bombarded on by their members, "What are you guys doing?" His mind goes into an overdrive and quickly examines the box in front of him, acting even if it was extremely obvious that he was trying to divert the attention while Yujin walks off to go somewhere else.

  When they're back at the beginning with everyone else folding, Jiwoong pushes the Maknae under the bus, saying it was his fault as he giggles teasingly at the youngest who confusedly tells everyone nothing happened and tries to defend himself.

  But, then, Matthew turns his head over to him. Uh-oh.

  Now the rest of his boyfriends are staring. Hao, Hanbin, Matthew, Taerae, and Ricky staring at him. Matthew smiles, and he splutters as if he'd been caught red-handed. "Did you, Hyung?"

  "D-do-don't- don't- don't look at me like that-" He forces out of his mouth, embarrassingly stuttering many times before finally speaking. His face burns, and it's clearly not from the sun's heat with how he's under the umbrella.

  "I-I-" He completely malfunctions, trying to defend himself, finally settling with a lie, "W-we - we were just there to look around and- and- and- stuff.." His ears turn red and his face flushes as he bites down on his lip, looking down at his feet like a scolded child. It was clear he was lying, but who's to tell him anything when he looks like that? Naive and hoping that his lie works even if everyone saw through it.

  They coo at him and say that they believe him to which he believes them and that was the end of that.


  "Jiwoon-hyung! Did you eat all the chocolate?!" Matthew yells from the fridge as Jiwoong looks over from the sofa, blinking rapidly at him - there are chocolate stains that had been hastily wiped. Jiwoong looks at him with those eyes. His hands fiddling with his sleeves. Matthew already knows and if it was anyone else he would've lost his cool because he really wanted them, but just looking at Jiwoong who stared at him with those naive deer-like eyes, he wanted to melt and retract all his words of accusations.

  He could already see what was going through the older's brain, whether to lie or not. "Wh-wh-what? N-no. It was -" Jiwoong was going to accuse someone else before his brain could even process it, Jiwoong blinks a few more times, gulping. He doesn't like blaming others, but he's committed, "- It was uhm.." He looks away for a second and sees Taerae leave the bathroom, having just showered, "I-it was Taerae!" He points his finger at the male like a child and caves immediately, running into his shared room with Hanbin and Hao to hide.

  In Jiwoong's mind, it's not okay to just blame someone because you did something and lied about it because then it'll create a bigger mess. And with him and arguments, he easily caves and gives in, so anyone would take his victim's side! He hides under Hanbin's blankets, as it's the farthest bed from the door.

  Hao enters, and he pokes his head out to see who it was, "H-Hao." He scoots to the very back corner and now everyone enters. He crosses his arms and upon seeing Matthew and an annoyed Taerae - he knows Taerae is acting but what about everyone else? He doesn't want to be scolded.

  "Hyung, did you eat all the chocolate that Matthew bought for us?" Hanbin speaks next to Hao, a hand on his hips and the other by his side - reminding everyone else in the room about 'Mother'.

  Jiwoong would've laughed like everyone else, but no one did, except for a small snicker that Ricky let out. "W-well- I - I didn't know I would finish it that fast.. I swear I ate one!" He thought he ate one and not just the whole box. His eyes were wide when he looked down and nothing was left.

  He was binge-watching! He didn't realize he would finish it all!

  His eyes were as big as saucers now, staring up at everyone as he sat on the bed. "You deserve some punishment, Hyung." Ricky speaks, and his voice sends a chill down Jiwoong's spine. It doesn't seem like everyone knew of this option, but Matthew smiles, satisfied.

  "I'll get the Maknaes out of the house." Taerae gets up and grabs his wallet, immediately, his boyfriends heard the Maknaes let out an excited gasp, saying they should go to the movies and see the airing of a horror movie. Yujin lets out a small protest before getting a challenge.

  "If you don't get scared, we'll leave you alone for two whole days!" Gyuvin challenges and Yujin was in.

  But when the door shuts with a slam. Jiwoong looks up at them and gulped.

  He's f*cked.


Author's note: Jiwoong x ZB1 agenda isn't leaving anytime soon

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