Lee Gon x Jo Yeong: {Class Visit} [F]

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So if anyone saw my last oneshot book, we've clearly found that I have an obsession towards them. I didn't even rewatch the show. But.. How can I actually help myself.

I'm sorry. I thought I was done, too.

POV: 3rd Person

  Yeong wanted to jump in a ditch and die as he sat in the car with his Majesty. Sure, there's a band on both of their ring fingers (with very extravagant engravings because it's the King) but that does not mean he wanted to come to a class visit for Eunbi and Kkabi with the man.

  Now they had to tighten security, he had to plan out everything because one, he had to make sure the kids in the room and around weren't scared of the heavily armored and armed Royal Guards, but also had to make sure no one around was dangerous.

  That includes making sure there were nothing harmful in 500 meters of his Majesty. He had tried all yesterday and many days before when his siblings introduced the King to the 'Class Visit' they'd be having to convince Gon not to go.

  But here he was, in the car, with his husband, the King of Corea to go to the elementary school. His siblings were in second grade as of right now, and the second they arrived, many armored cars also pulled up, escorting his Majesty. They would be guarding the outside of the school, and few would be on the inside (few, meaning 10).

  "Did we have to bring all of them, Yeong-ah? They'll scare the kids-"

  "Your safety is my priority, along with Eunbi's and Kkabi's."

  "But you're Prince Consort-" Yeong rolls his eyes when Gon tries to reason with him.

  "And Captain of the Royal Guard." He cuts the older off just like that as he follows him inside the classroom, trying to muster up a small smile. Did he really have to show to everyone that he was engaged to the King and come out now that Eunbi and Kkabi's uncle was the King?

  He sighs, and walks in. His face deadpanned as he stood behind the King who sat on a children's chair, ignoring all the stares the parents and the teacher were giving them. Ms. Ryu was clearly staring before clearing her throat and continuing to talk. "Now that everyone is here. Let's get started!" She gulps and puts on a bright smile.

  They're currently making slime, and Yeong was definitely sure this was the most horrible time of his life, Gon was having way too much fun. He was having more fun talking to his siblings instead of doing these activities. There Hopil was standing in a corner of the room, waving to Kkabi.

  "Yeongie, what's with the face, isn't this fun?" Eunbi asks and he smiles, nodding, humming in agreement. Gon snorts, knowing that's not the case, earning a glare from Yeong.

  "Your Majesty, I do not want to tackle you in front of these children." He mumbles for just their table to hear.

  "Yes, Yeong-ah, they will surely lose their innocence seeing us. Their parents wouldn't be very fond of their King." Gon winks and he ignores the burning in his ears, closing his eyes, breathing out slowly.

  Gon stares for a second too long and he knows, he could feel it. He sits way too straight in his chair as he lets Kkabi do his thing with the slime.

  Now, lunch time. They're sitting at a table, Hopil standing at the other end, other guards stood around the lunch room as it was a bigger area.

  He's muttering orders into the comms on his wrist, but cuts himself off as he sees from the corner of his eye that his idiot of a husband was about to eat his food just like that, his hand shoots out immediately. "You can't just eat it like that!" He grabs the older's wrist and has a grip that was forceful but light. Even Gon's light hand tremor paused mid-air.

  "Yeong-ah! We're at an elementary school, all of these students are eating the exact same thing as I am-"

  "They have to be tested."

  "You're going to kill me one day."

  "I'm the one keeping you alive."

  "But what about my mental health?" Gon whines and he rolls his eyes with slight fondness.

  "Hurry up or you won't get to finish these at all."

  He gets his way and Gon gives him the tray.

  They get a break to mingle around with the other parents to which Gon drags him around to meet, when they're done, by instinct, Gon pulls him onto his lap.

  "Lee Gon." He grumbles, trying to push himself up, but it's already too late and everyone already saw. He face palms.

  This is the worst class visit of his life.


Author's note: I finished the show Tomorrow and now half of my next stuff will be about it

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