Daeheon x Minho: {Accepted} [F]

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I had cut quite some things out, but it's here nonetheless!

POV: 3rd Person

  Daeheon had seen it coming the second he had sat down to talk about the important topic of his sexuality. He had kept it deep within himself for quite some time, since high school, he had known and while struggling to stay around Minho, he found himself more comfortable with the male to come out first to him than his own family.

  It's been years since then and as Dae sat down in their rickety couch, he was slapped across his face mere moments later. "We're poor, and now you want to be gay? No son of mine is like this - out." The boy had known, and yet he had felt glad.

  There had never been a single moment where he had ever wanted to stay, anyway.

  So, with a part-time job at a cafe nearby his goshinwon (A small studio apartment) in a rather unsafe nook in Seoul (He was desperate and this was all he could afford), and working as a tutor on the side, meeting his students in the small cafe that got little customers outside rush hour, he scrapped up money and saved some, spent some on the rent, and ate the left-over muffins from the cafe.

  He doesn't bother much with how the manager looks at him with pity in her eyes. There was nothing he could do, and she wouldn't do anything anyway. Returning to what he now calls home, and while it doesn't feel too much like home, it felt a lot warmer than what his father could've given him.


  In LA, Minho's enjoying his time at a resort near Long Beach. Hollywood was just like how he had remembered it. And while his home is in Korea, there was nothing like what California could give him. He lives happily here, and he's not judged for what he was. Sleeping with both men and women alike, no strings attached.

  Hell, they don't even know his name here like people would in Korea. With a single snippet of his hair, Koreans knew exactly who he was without fail.

  Privacy here was so much better than what he had got in Korea. But it was to be expected. Their brand was only really "known" in Korea. "Minho." There it was, the break in his life and the noise coming back to his ears. An unpleasant type of noise.

  "What?" He turns his head to the front door of his room, a small raise of an eyebrow as he poured the smoothie into a glass. His mother stood there, a deep, disapproval look in her face along with a very visible frown.

  "We need to talk about your.." She takes a small pause, choosing her words carefully, even if it was just only them. Nevertheless, the woman never seems to ever let her guard down, not even for her late husband. "Relations." It was what she had ended up with.

  Minho could already feel a groan bubble at the back of his throat, and he stops himself before he could voice it. It really wasn't something he had planned or wanted to talk about with his mother. He knew sleeping around and messing about wasn't good, but why did his mother have to voice it? It wasn't like they were serious.


  Not for him, at least.

  Minho is a heartbreaker, and holding such a high position with fame, there was no one who would ever speak against him because even as they cried over their broken heart, they would still love him too much to say anything. His mother, however, does not want his reputation to tarnish her own.

  Not when she owns a big company in the center of Seoul and is the influence of many who looked up to them. "You can't be having these relationships any longer - they are ruining my reputation!- What will the public say when they find out you sleep around with women?" It hangs in the air, but men were part of the equation as well. Korea was not kind to homosexuals, and while she supports her son, she knows the public would never stand for it.

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