Park Jungil x M. Reader: {Insomniac} [F]

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Context: Jungil has insomnia and you help him

POV: 2nd Person

  You sit on Jungil's office chair, letting him sit on your lap and tap away at his monitor. You're the reaper that takes reign over hell, doing whatever you please. You're both on opposite sides and painfully aware of it. But it doesn't change the fact that you both are in love.

  Seriously. In love. Because of the gold ring on your fingers (That was Jungil's first ever type of jewelry that he'd worn and said he'd only wear). You can feel him sink deeper into your body, exhausted but blinking, not falling asleep even if he wanted to.

  He had insomnia for quite a long time, ever since he'd joined Jumadeung, he'd only fallen asleep a few times. Not even taking time to rest even when he clocks out. Staying in his office with more comfortable clothes.

  He's not even supposed to be working right now, so you grab his arms, saving his progress and leaning back into the chair, pushing him down onto your chest. He lays there, curling up into your body as you spoon him, kissing the back of his head.

  You could smell the soft scent of the floral shampoo, despite his cold look, he liked many sweet things. You were surprised at first when you started dating, bringing him a box of chocolate. He didn't touch it in front of you, but you found the wrappers empty the next day when you visited his office.

  "I'm not tired."

  "Shhh, just sleep." You place a hand over his eyes, whispering softly. You could feel him cave further into your body. He was tall, but you were taller. You spoon him, soon feeling him softly breathing against your arm, shuffling, so he'd turn to face you.

  His face is soft, unlike when he's awake, lashes long and resting on his slightly rosy cheeks that were flushed with sleep already. His hand balled into a fist, holding onto your tie.

  He breathes softly against you. Laying his head on your chest.

  You know he had nightmares, but you chase them away. What type of husband would you be if you weren't able to do that? You adore him fully, chasing his nightmares away. You look at the gold band on his left hand, the moonlight hitting it just right.

  It glows, and you hold him closer to your body, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.

  "Sweet dreams, Jungie."


Author's note: I love this man. Like, a lot, like yall

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