Jiwoong x ZB1: {Our Attention} [F]

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POV: 3rd Person

  Don't get them wrong, they love it when Jiwoong is all jittery and nervous when he goes on a variety show and meeting his favorite celebrities he watched as a kid - granted, most the younger members have never even seen. But they've met an idol, they're pretty famous, and Jiwoong had almost fainted from stuttering so hard in front of them that his face completely turned red.

  While they were walking to their practice room, Jiwoong practically almost gasped and stopped walking when he saw Choi Seungcheol, because of his slowed down pace, Taerae who hadn't been paying much attention bumped right into him. Causing him to bump into Hanbin who swift turned around to hold him in place, Matthew also grabbing onto his other arm to steady him.

  "Hyung?" Ricky raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing-" Jiwoong's ears heated up, finally realizing whoever they were going to be interviewed by was by that same man. Seeing the sparkle in his eyes as he watched someone walk by, everyone already knew.

  Gyuvin hands him his notebook that was just for autographs and a pen when their interview was over. Jiwoong ever so shyly greats the male and bows, greeting the older like a high school girl asking her crush out. He splutters when Seungcheol smiles and asked him if he wanted anything.

  He almost drops his pen and notebook that was already flipped to a blank page. "Uh- I-" He continues, stuttering like an idiot. Trying to regain himself before Hanbin swoops in and gives Seungcheol a smile.

  "Jiwoong-Hyung wants your autograph."

  "Oh!" The big round eyes of Seventeen's leader widens and he smiles. His long lashes touching his cheeks. Reminding Jiwoong of his own leader who matches the older with long lashes. "I'd love to! Don't be shy!" Seungcheol takes the pen and notebook from Jiwoong and signs.

  Jiwoong holds hid breath when Hanbin walks away with a menacing giggle, going back to Hao who - with the rest of his other boyfriends and Maknae line started giggling to themselves about how cute his stuttering was, leaving him to suffer.

  Those traitors.

  "Let's hang out sometime, would you like to exchange numbers?" Now, the Hyung line immediately halts their laughs. No one had offered Jiwoong this chance before, and - surely, he wouldn't just give his number to some other guy, right? Well, even if he was just his fan - "I'll get you to meet my other members, you're a big fan, right?"

  "Y-yeah! I-I-" Jiwoong hastily takes Seungcheol's phone, putting in his number. Saving 'Kim Jiwoong' with a butterfly emoji next to it onto the older's phone.


  It's been a few weeks after that, and Seungcheol kept his word. Jiwoong left their dorm hastily, checking his look one more time before grabbing his bag that he prepared with his notebook and pen and ran out excitedly without another word.

  He doesn't come home until late at night, when almost everyone was dead asleep. He showers and changes, smiling when he crashes right into Matthew's arms. Tonight was Matthew's turn, where he'd be cuddling with the younger.

  His sunshine's strong arms immediately grab around him into such a tight squeeze that he almost wanted to back out, "Matthew-"

  "Where have you been, Hyung?" Hanbin frowns, waking up and rolling over their large bed that fits all six of them - somehow because the dorm was too small for at least three bedrooms.

  "I was with Seventeen Sunbaenims, they're really nice." Jiwoong sounds content, but Hao has a barely hidden frown on his face. Ricky draping his arm and leg over Jiwoong, leaving him with Hao who laid on his back, Taerae hugging his arm tightly.

  The five were all caging Jiwoong in their pile of bodies. It's miraculous how Matthew hadn't complained about his weight on him with half of Ricky and Hao on him. "Guys, come on. You're squishing Matthew.. what's with this anyway?"

  "Aren't you hanging out with them a little too much?" Ricky speaks his thoughts, and everyone nods. Matthew squeezes him even closer and he gasps.

  "He's cool, why wouldn't I hang out with him? I'll be as cool as him so you guys like me more too." Jiwoong giggles, though everyone frowns. His boyfriends love him the way he is, awkward and adorable even if he seems different on stage, his smile bright and something that he can't recreate into a fake one - a slight flaw for an actor, but they're glad they that they'd be able to tell the difference if something was wrong.

  They hear his insecurity in his poor heart right now. Slowly sinking to his stomach. "Hyung, we love you. Boyfriends or Maknae line, you know that." Hao squishes him and somehow puts his entire weight on Jiwoong who lets out a small squeak, trying to lift himself so that Matthew wouldn't have to endure it all.

  All of them kiss him, Matthew claiming his lips, the others claiming his neck. Taerae kissing his hand before trailing up, slightly pushing Ricky out of the way. Matthew automatically moves so that Jiwoong would be sitting on his lap.

  Everyone cages their eldest. Kissing him from all sides. Taking turn at his plump saliva covered lips. Hands roaming his perfect body.

  "We love you, Jiwoong-Hyung." Taerae's melodious voice whispers in dead of night. Before Matthew's naughty hands makes it to where it intends, Jiwoong slaps it gently, pushing it away.

  "I'm tired, let's not tonight- especially since I handled you all with that stupid chocolate box just three days ago." Even if Jiwoong sounds fine and bossy, his ears are red despite the lights being off, and he buries his face into Hao's neck, leaning back into his chest. Everyone coos.

  "Maybe next time then." They all say at the same time and Jiwoong lets out a small noise, both of surprise, excitement, and despair.

  "Spare me for once!"

  "Never!" Ricky yells silently in English and everyone laughs, trying to keep it down as Gunwook, Yujin, and Gyuvin had been working hard and studying, trying to sleep.

  "You should give us more attention, Hyung."

  "Oh~ but I've already got a date with Joshua."


  "I'm just kidding! We're friends. He just wanted to catch this movie with his band and me. You guys can come too. And just so you know- Seventeen doesn't have interest in me. Not even Seungcheollie-Hyung, they're already dating."

  They should've expected it when they came into the rented out movie theater that most of HYBE was going to be there with a few others. If they were in the same group, they were dating.. wow.

  Yujin didn't think his Sunbaes were almost all gay, Gunwook's and Gyuvin's eyes popping out of their sockets when they saw Vernon in Seungkwan's lap like nothing.


Author's note: If anyone's interested, the groups inside the rented out cinema were: LSF, TXT, BTS, SVT, ATEEZ, SKZ, EN-, Aespa, ITZY, and Twice. Somehow they're all connected to SVT lmbo

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