Charles x Edwin: {Early 2000s} [M-ish]

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Rated M because of Charles' thirst

POV: 3rd Person

  It was safe to say that Edwin was never going to change his outfit attire ever again, even if it meant the outcome of it being something rather enjoyable. It's the early 2000s, and Charles had convinced him to change how he dressed. To really fit in and to feel the new era that they've entered.

  Yet.. Edwin doesn't know what to think of it. How bad could fashion really be? He doesn't like change, and he'd rather wear his - 'ridiculous' as Charles has put it - layers to cover himself in a mannerly way. They had thought out on what Edwin should wear, but of course, with their little understanding, they'd got it wrong.

  They went out to get Edwin leather trousers, leather outfits, baggy shirts, baggy trousers, and shoes. Of course, with Edwin's disguises, they had also got him skirts, crop tops, leg warmers for extra cover as Edwin had given that pencil-skirt and dress a look of disdain. The amount of skin that he thought he was going to show was less than what actually was.

  As he tried on his regular clothing, the leather hugged rather uncomfortably on his legs, and the shirt he wore was too tight for his liking. The way the leather jacket clung onto him was unpleasant to say the least, doing nothing to cover the tightness of the shirt underneath. The boots, however, were at least something he was fine with. The chains on them wasn't something he minded. Extra, yes. But not bad.

  He hadn't seen the way Charles had taken a longer look at his backside.

  Charles was quite distracted by the trousers, swallowing a hard lump in his throat and trying with all his might to not look downward at those thighs and plump backside that the leather trousers were hugging so perfectly at. On second thought, Charles thinks that this might've been a bad idea after all. If Edwin wore something like this on a case, Charles would hardly get anything done, and if he's already barely doing anything - that's to say he won't do anything at all but ogle!

  "This is quite.." Edwin pulled down at his trousers, shifting uncomfortably at how it clung, and he's speechless trying to find a comment that would fit the situation. "I do not think I want this." He changes his sentence to something else, and Charles could only nod, blinking rapidly at him and trying to keep his eyes up.

  "Right, yeah.. uh... I think you should pick those next." He points vaguely somewhere else on the couch of the clothing that they've acquired, Edwin's eyebrow raises questioningly at him because of how shaky and broken his voice seems, but he doesn't comment and goes to change once again, paying his boyfriend no mind.

  Edwin seemed more comfortable when he walked out with baggier clothing and shoes that which back-half was covered by the long pants that dragged onto the carpeting below his feet. This, fit Edwin so well that Charles had been shocked. His heart fluttering at the sight, but yet, Edwin held at his forearms with a flush of them being shown, as if people seeing his arms that were mostly covered past the elbow because of the baggy shirt, was a scandal.


  "Is it too much?" He pulled at his sleeves, to which the collar fell to reveal his shoulders, and Charles had felt so much all at once he might've died for a second time. Embarrassed, Edwin pulled up at his shirt to cover himself, and cleared his throat. "Perhaps I should.. go look at my disguises instead."

  Charles loves Edwin in every way, form, or shape. So of course, he loves Edwin when he was in his feminine disguises - he reasoned that females would make sense for something that Charles can't remember at this very moment - but right now, he struggled. Earlier, Edwin had yelled from the other side of the wall to another room that the clothing had rather raised some problems.

  What problems, Charles hadn't known, but now that he saw it, he effectively stopped breathing. If he had needed to breathe, he would've died, and if his heart had beat, he would've had a heart attack. Edwin sported a very short - barely passing his thighs - off-white skater skirt with a muted blue that he usually wore, matching off-white leg warmers that pooled at his matching off-white shoes. It made Charles' breath hitch. "I also have a dark pair to match with you.." He reminds Charles, and the younger boy's head spins at the thought of Edwin wearing a black skater skirt and a dark red top just like this one to match with Charles' usually darker colour schemes.

  With his long hair and rounder cheeks, in smaller and more feminine proportions, he looked adorable but yet, the rest of his body did not scream it. With his soft brown hair reaching just above his waist, it almost drove Charles mad. His hesitant hands are on the hems of his skirt to lower it, fiddling around and shifting uncomfortably at Charles' silence, as if he had done something wrong, but Charles had only gone speechless. "I guess it is quite scandalous to walk about in this attire."

  "Yeah, mate, I- it could be dangerous." And that was true. Charles had known there are bad people out there who would look at Edwin wearing this with more than innocent intent - if Charles had felt it in him to lift Edwin and push him against his desk right now, who's to say someone else wouldn't?

  Edwin changes again, and he's in a knitted jumper that was muted green, a pleaded off-white skirt that stopped just above his knees and a dress-shirt under with a tie, as if something he would actually wear. With leg warmers as well. This, Charles had liked more, but it was not 2000s fashion. They had bought it because it was simply pretty.

  "I like this one." Charles pushed the words out of his mouth and finally says something for once without staring dumbly at Edwin. It was probably due to the fact that the male was properly covered.

  "You do? Shall we keep it?" Edwin's rounder eyes light up, and his face heats up a dusty pink that went onto the tip of his nose and ears, down to his covered neck.

  "Yeah, it's aces." Charles smiled before towering over Edwin with his own disguise - that looked just like himself, only a little older like Edwin, and in actual 2000s clothes, cargo trousers with a black shirt, a long coat with pins and a jacket, and hooked his arms around the small waist, earning a squeak of surprise. Doe eyes darted up at him, dainty fingers grasping at his shoulder and forearm.

  Pushing Edwina against the wall, he swooped down to capture her plush, soft, pink lips. She had to lean onto Charles lest she falls due to their height difference - being a forehead taller than his shoulder - and gasps into his mouth in such a sweet way that fired something deep within him.

  Charles let his land under her thigh, lifting it before Edwina had got the signal and wrapped her legs around Charles' waist to be hauled over to their couch. Those fingers grasped up at his hair and he groans. "I'm not sure I will be taking any of those other outfits." Her voice is breathy against his lips.

  "They looked so good on you."

  "Too much change for me."

  "Is that right?" Charles runs his hand through her hair, watching as her blue-green eyes sparkle, humming. He lets the feminine disguise sit on his lap, back straight and hand on his lap to sooth out the skirt, kissing at her cheek.

  "Yes. Even if you look at me that way, I will not keep it, Charles."

  Charles had blushed at Edwina's notice, but it had only earned him a gentle peck on his lips. "Would you like to continue with our disguises or-"

  "I love you in any way, Charles." Charles' jaw is grazed by soft hands, and he felt as if he fell in love all over again. As if it was their first meeting on that attic, felt with warmth and everything good within his heart.

  "I love you too, like this or however-" It seemed that Edwin's impatience had run out when he pulls him back into a kiss.

  Still, even with this outcome, Edwin knows that he will never change his attire again. It was uncomfortable, exposing, and too much skin. It had felt scandalous even if Charles had told him he liked it, but of course, Charles' happiness was Edwin's owns.


Author's note: This had to happen, and I KNOW there's like 10 Charles x Edwin but I can't give you anything else

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