Atom x Kongthap: {Softly} [M]

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From My Love Mix-Up Thai

Following Thailand's age of consent (15), they are 17.

POV: 3rd Person

  Atom is a loser.

  That's no secret, he has one friend, and even then, his friend wasn't really.. a friend. They only talk in class for work help, and they partner up with each other for convenience. After all, Half and he had been sitting next to each other since 10th grade. They had to be close, even if they don't want to be.

  Atom sits behind Kongthap, who thinks he likes him - well, he does.

  But that doesn't mean he wants Kongthap to know!

  Kongthap is a guy who's liked by many, he's popular, he's the best on the basketball team, he's tall, and he has adorable eyes that give people the shivers whenever he looks at them. And not even the bad type, but the type that makes you swoon and fall in love. Kongthap is kind, and people gravitates towards him.

  So it's not Atom's fault when he was one of those who had fallen victim to the male's pretty features, rosy pink lips, and a soft bunny smile. Anyone would fold upon seeing the male's smile and obey his wishes.

  A stupid kid like him, who's a loser and who's failing every class and somehow still managing to not get kicked out in such a good school, is no fit for Kongthap's heart, who only deserves the best. The male deserves someone who's good for him, who's as good as him. And it'll never be Atom.

  While he had thought this, however. The younger boy had been driven to show Kongthap that he would be a worth candidate to be in his circle. To be loved by him because whatever the boy had wanted, Atom would do anything and everything to plant a smile on that face.

  It comes as a surprise, when they do finally get to talk. Mudmee likes Half, but her eraser had been used up, so it had been put into Kongthap's name. It's a misunderstanding that ultimately gets him into the slot of being Kongthap's first ever boyfriend - and lover as a whole, because the surprising bit, was that Kongthap, as pretty as he is, and talented as he is, has never dated anyone.

  Hell, he hasn't even been in love until Atom showed up!

  To be each other's first loves, firsts in everything, was an amazing thing.

  They try things out together, and go through it all. When Atom found out that Kongthap's just a boy who wants to be held by people he loves, he had spent all night gently cuddling up with the taller, who had giddily laid in his arms.

  During that camp when Atom had been shown unfair treatment, Kongthap had wrapped him up in his blanket and had covered him from the sergeant. When those doe eyes stared into his owns, whispering to him softly and telling him to stay, Atom had smiled. Those pouty lips had pecked his owns and had shuffled into his blanket and shoved himself into Atom's neck, to avoid meeting his eyes and fell asleep soon after.

  While it was not much, the shorter boy had thought about it all night. 

  Atom, upon being rough - AKA pushing Kongthap against a wall - finds that Kongthap retreats within himself and makes himself small. Bunny teeth showing as his mouth lays agape with a gasp of unpreparedness, eyes squeezed shut and waiting for Atom to do whatever it is he wants to him because he trusts that Atom would take care of him.

  The taller boy is suddenly smaller than the younger, and Atom loves it.

  To be holding Kongthap in his arms as he whispers sweet nothing's into his ear, thrusting slowly into him and earning shaky gasps while those fingers grasps at the sheets and leaning into the pillow with his eyes closed so he could feel everything that Atom is offering him. Atom learns that he's quiet when taken into bed like this.

  Taken care of softly, where all he has to do is breathe in and out and gasp little moans that are inaudible to both their ears. But he knows he loves with all his heart that this moment will stay forever.

  They don't say a word, but they don't have to because they love so much that they don't need to say anything to understand what the other wants.

  When Atom finishes inside Kongthap, he lays over the boy's body, and kisses the back of his shoulders, earning a satisfied hum.

  It's soft, just like this.

  In Atom's room, where the warm hue covers them both.


Author's note: Writing as I'm watching it

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